Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Thoughts

Today I found some things I wrote a year or two ago that were good reminders. I thought they might be good to post and keep as constant reminders to myself, which means I get to share them with you as well!

In keeping with my last posting regarding the Holy Spirit, the following are things I wrote as specific steps I can take to live my life controlled by the Spirit.

1. Make sure to stay in the Word daily and memorize scripture (hide His Word in my heart).

2. Pray daily, spend quiet time daily in communion with my God.

3. Look to Jesus in times of temptation instead of trying to fight sin all on my own because I can not do it!

4. Make sure my motives are pure. I should obey God out of respect and love for Him, not to impress Him or gain His approval.

5. Realize I can do NOTHING without God. When I think I can do things of my own power I am only fooling myself.

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This I wrote regarding being faithful in every job God gives us, regardless of how big or small those jobs may be in the eyes of the world.
There are no large or small jobs with God because His emphasis/concern is on you listening and obeying Him. Since this is His focus (and should be ours too) all jobs with God are equal. Sometimes for us the small jobs are harder because our ego and pride get involved.

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