Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Loved Her First

I'm a daddy's girl and absolutely love songs about Fathers & Daughters. One year I made my father a video with pictures of him and I from my baby pictures up to my wedding pictures and picutres of us with my first born (a girl!). I set the slideshow of pictures to the songs Butterfly Kisses and a song by Natalie Grant called Always be your Baby. My uncle helped and set it up so my wedding pictures came up at the exact time both songs were talking about weddings. It was wonderful.

Another song I love is Tough Little Boys by Gary Allen. The chorus says "When tough little boys, grow up to be dads, they turn into big babies again."

Anyway, I recently heard this a new song on the radio and have been trying to figure out who sings it. I finally figured it out. Here is the song and the words. I may post the words to some of the other songs I like sometime too. I've linked the titles above to other sites with the lyrics if you are interested.

Someday I want to make a CD for myself and daddy with all the father/daughter songs I love!



Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each others face
So much in love you're alone in this place
Like there’s nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one
She told me so and she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything
Life must go on and I’m not gonna stand in your way
* * *
But I Loved her first
and I held her first
and a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
and I prayed that she'd find you someday
but its still hard to give her away
I loved her first
* * *
How could that beautiful woman with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
and tucked into bed all those nights
and I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time
* * *
But I Loved her first
and I held her first
and a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
and I prayed that she'd find you someday
but its still hard to give her away
I loved her first
* * *
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
Someday you might know what I’m going through
When a miracle smiles up at you
I loved her first…

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