Thursday, November 01, 2007

Seeds Planted

My previous post was regarding what the Lord taught me this past weekend at a Children's Conference. If you have not already read that post, please do so. This one will make more sense.

Beginning Monday morning I started getting up early in order to have a short devotional time with my daughter each morning. The original plan was to pray, spend time quietly listening for God and reading the Bible for about 15 minutes each morning. I figured we would start small and God would increase our desire. Each day has ended up being between 20 and 30 minutes.

This is teaching me to be patient because Tyler does not always respond the way I think she should. However, I am already amazed at how fast she is growing just over the past four days and her response has encouraged me. She still does not want to pray herself so I do the praying. It has been hard to back off and not try to force her to pray. But instead I've prayed and then after had her spend some time just being quiet listening for God to speak to her.

So far she has told me that God has told her that He is always with her, always watching over her and loves her more than anything in the world.

I've also found some great books that have stories from the Bible at her reading level with great illustrations. I read the scriptures from my Bible, she reads the book and then we talk about what is means. I don't just explain it to her, we talk through it together! It is amazing what she understands and seeing her perspective on things. (Visit my My Life blog for more information on the books, I'm going to do a post there on them.) So far we been going through one about stories Jesus told. This includes the one about not hiding your light, storing your treasures in heaven, and building your house (life) on the Rock of Jesus and God's Word.

However, this morning was the most encouraging. Tyler did not have school because they are doing parent/teacher conferences (she's doing great in school by the way!) So this morning I got up and figured I would do quiet time with her tonight instead of in the morning. I was going to let her sleep in. I went into the kitchen to get my coffee and heard a quiet voice behind me ask, "Mommy, aren't we going to have our quiet time today?"

That warmed my heart so much!!! And not only does she seem to be figuring it out, my days are starting out so much better. I can see a difference throughout my entire day, just because my perspective at the beginning of the day has shifted.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I got "holy" bumps when you shared how Tyler asked you if you were going to do your quiet time together! That is such a sweet blessing!