Thursday, May 24, 2007

Goals, Dreams & Ideals

This is a meme that Laura over at Writing Thoughts tagged me for. Normally I do these things on my Moment in My Life blog, however this one fits with this blog and my recent desire to have a more focused life.

In fact one of the things the Mike Bickle talk I was listening to spoke of is how when he was about 18 or 19, he wrote down what his goals in life were. He wrote down a short list of things he wanted to be known for when he died.

A few months ago Juan had talked about this schedule and led us all through an exercise where we wrote down what we wanted to be known for when we were 50. At the time none of this sunk in. I guess I was not ready for it yet. Now I've been thinking about all of this again and I think this meme fits in.

In the past I would have said I wanted to be known as a famous author, someone everyone looked to for answers because of my knowledge, a successful business woman, but now those things don't mean much to me anymore.

Here are my Goals, Dreams & Ideals. I'm making one list because I think they are all very interwined just as Laura states in her post.

1. I want to be known as a woman of God, who loved Him with everything that I posesses. But more importantly, even if nobody else ever sees this in me I want to follow God in everything and live a full life in Him. I want to step into the promises He has for me. I want to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant!" when I stand before my God.

2. I want to be known as a loving and faithful wife. I want to be seen as a woman who loved her husband just as our vows said. Just as God has loved us, I want to love my husband. I want to be a godly wife who supports my husband. I truely want to be a Proverbs 31 wife to my husband.

Proverbs 31:10 - 12
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her

and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,

all the days of her life.

Read the entire Proverbs 31 chapter.

3. I want to be a loving and nuturing mother who raises my children in the ways of the Lord. A mother who always looks for what is best for them and teaches them the greatness of our Lord and Savior.

4. A loyal and loving friend. I want to be the seen by my friends, my church family, as someone who is transparent with them. I may not always have it together and I'm honest with them about that. We lean on one another, pray for one another and encourage one another. I want to be a friend who speaks boldly in love when it is needed, who forgives when needed and and most importantly, who is humble enough to ask forgiveness when it is necessary.

Those are my dreams, goals and ideals. They are in that order: God, Husband, Children, Family/Friends. I know the only way I can ever attain these is to put my trust and my life in God's hands. I need to fully step into what he has laid out for me and not look to the cares of this world. It will be a tough journey and I know I'll fail at times. But I also know He loves me and if I turn back to Him, He will take my hand and lead me back onto the right path. In the end, it will be more than worth it! Nothing else will ever fulfill me, only His path for me can do that!


Anonymous said...

I think that those are beautiful ideals!

-atomik kitten said...

I think Elizabeth George has a book on being a Proverbs 31 woman. I think you might enjoy her book A Woman After God's Own Heart. I am thinking of reading it again. I feel stuck in a rut.

Anonymous said...

I especially like #3, and I am trying to do better in that area..To be more patient with my kids, and not so easily upset by some of the things they do.,..