Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday - Security

It is late tonight and year end is coming up at work (meaning lots of hours and stress), so I'm going to keep this short today (at least my part). This week I am thankful for the security I have in my Lord. The Lord has been highlighting the below verses for me this week and they pretty much say it all. Nothing further is needed from me to explain them.

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have (perfect) peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustraion; but be of good cheer (take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted)! For I have overcome the world. (I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.)

~ John 16:33

You dear children, are from God and have overcome them (spirit of the antichrist), because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

~1 John 4:4

But now, this is what the Lord says - He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead."

~Isaiah 43:1-3

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our True Home

I spent two nights this past week in a hotel room on a business trip. At first it was kind of nice. Very quiet (as opposed to three young children at my house!) and I could get some reading done in peace, no interruptions. It was a decent room, not fancy, but not bad either.

But after awhile it began to seem a bit dingy and lonely. It was just not home.

I used to travel quite a bit for work before we had children. Back then I did not appreciate the quiet as I do now. I remember though the perks of eating out and having someone clean the room every day. However, I also remember that the novelty wore off fast. I would come home after being on the road and all I would want is a nice home cooked meal and my own bed to sleep in. I missed my own bed, snoring hubby and all!

I recently read something that compared our life on this earth to a hotel room. Jesus told us that we are not of this world (we are just visitors). Our true home is in Heaven with Him. The more I think about it, the more fitting this analogy seems to be.

Living on earth, this life, is nice at times. We experience our share of happiness and good times. However, it is like living in a hotel room. Nothing is actually ours, when we leave we will leave all the stuff behind in the room. Though it is quiet and restful at times, overall it is dingy and lonely. We long for our true home.

Some of us may live in a really nice hotel room right now, but even that gets old after awhile. It is never the same as being at home. Our heart, our soul inevitably becomes homesick. We long for the trip to end so we can sleep in our own bed. We long to go to our true home, Heaven, where we will find our true treasures waiting for us. Our true home where we are greeted by our loving family with open arms.

While we can make phone calls home during our trip it is just not the same as talking to our loved ones face to face and feeling their warm embrace. Although we can lift our prayers to Heaven and commune with Jesus, it is just not the same as meeting him one day face to face, feeling His embrace and having Him lead us to that true home which He has built for us.

Is this how you see your life on earth, as a temporary stop that is just a foretaste of what is yet to come? Is this how you see Heaven? As the one true place where you belong?

I know too often I forget about this. I forget that instead of focusing on this life, I should focus on Jesus and look forward to the wonderful life that is ahead of me. I need to remember that my true home, my true treasures, my true love is not found here on this earth, in this life. We need to live for this day and give our best to the Lord, however we should also be looking forward to our true home in anticipation.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
~John 15:19
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.
~John 14:2

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Seek the Lord Sunday - Psalm 27

I have made a new online friend at Call Her Blessed. She had mentioned a weekly meme that she does called Seek the Lord Sunday. This week's subject is Which Bible verse 'speaks' to you lately?

For me right now I would say it is Psalm 27, specifically verses 4-5

One thing I ask of the Lord,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to seek Him in His temple,
For in the day of trouble
He will keep me safe in His dwelling;
He will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle
and set me high upon a rock.

I've recently started listening to a session from RHOP by Diane Parnell called The Gift of God. ("started" because I've only listened to the first half so far. There are to be two more sessions in the coming week that go along with this one). She speaks in it about how God wants to enounter us and has made us to be His dwelling place. She speaks of us seeking after the Lord's heart and character.

The verses above show us three keys for encountering God's heart.

A - Abiding: dwelling with the Father's Glory to discover who he is
that I may dwell in the House of the Lord

B - Behold: gazing on God's beauty, who He is, His character
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord

C - Commune: commune with the Holy Spirit, to encounter Him in an active way
to seek Him in His temple

I have been meditating on these verses the past few days. As part of that I've been reading the entire chapter. As I've done so I noticed how many worship songs we sing are written based on verses from this chapter. This is an amazing chapter.

I'm realizing that as I seek after the Lord and His wisdom, it is not head knowledge I'm seeking. It is an intimate knowledge of the Lord that I am pursuing. And I want to do it to know Him better, not for something for myself. Where my heart is not right in this pursuit I ask that He will transform it and mold it.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Unrealistic Expectations

I recently read something that referred to romance novels and soap operas as being the female version of porn. That got me to thinking. I've never been much into soap operas (they move too slowly for me) but I must admit I've been drawn into the "evening" version of soap operas. I've not read what would be considered traditional romance novels for quite some time now, but I do read the "softer" (if you will) romance novels.

Many times in the last few weeks the discussion of the differences between men and women has come up in various ways. The main theme has been that a man's way of showing love is through sex. He needs sex to express his love, if you will. On the other hand, women tend to need the love and romance in order to express their sexual desires. We are both looking for the same thing in the end, we just come at it from opposite sides. Which is what leads to so many misunderstandings in marriages regarding sex.

To make matters worse, the world seems to not only condone, but actually encourages things to make our expectations unrealistic in regards to love and marriage. Our already difficult relationships become impossible when we have expectations of our spouse that are not possible.

For men, this tends to be pornography. Some people may say it does not harm anyone. However the Lord has been very clear that sex is a gift for marriage that is to be shared between a husband and wife. Pornography is bringing someone else into that act. Sure it is not a real person of flesh and blood, however that is often worse. Viewing pornography and the resulting fantasies create the idea of the "perfect" woman in a man's mind. Not only physically, but also emotionally and relationally. No human woman can ever live up to these expectations. Not only is bringing pornography into your marriage disrespectful to your wife, it is unfair to her and yourself.

Now for the flip side of things. While I mentioned that men's focus is on sex, a woman tends to focus on romance. While pornography sets unrealistic expectations in a husband's mind regarding his wife, romance novels and soap operas create unrealistic expectations in a wife's mind about how her husband should be treating her. These things make us think that our man should always be romantic, always be ready to sweep us off our feet and cause those butterflies in our stomachs. They should always be able to take our breath away with a look.

In both cases, these expectations are created because we are focusing on what our spouse should be doing for us to make us happy. It is making the assumption that love is a feeling you have for that other person. The butterflies for us women, the lustful feelings in our husbands. Love is NOT a feeling. Love is a choice we make everyday. It is easy to love someone in the good times, when they look their best and are focused on doing things for us. But real love is making a choice every morning to love that person laying in bed beside you whose hair is all messed up, has bad breath and has not even acknowledged you as they grumpily get up to get ready for the day ahead.

This is especially important if you are in an unequally yoked marriage. You need to lean into the Lord even more to daily make the choice to love your spouse at all times, even when there is no outward reasons to do so. Your spouse does not know the unconditional love of the Lord as you do. They have no example by which to base their love. By getting your strength from the Lord to make the choice to love your spouse you are showing them the Lord's love. Believe me, no matter how much you may think your spouse needs to make some changes and is difficult to love, you are even more so to the Lord. But that does not faze Him at all. He loves you no matter what, with no unrealistic expectations as to who you are.

So this is making me rethink what I expose myself to. It has been obvious to me that pornography is not right in the Lord's eyes and not healthy for my marriage. But now, I'm beginning to see that there are other things that can be just as detrimental to my marriage that I may have been willingly allowing into our home.

We've all heard the saying "You are what you eat". In reality, we are what we allow into our bodies in any way. We are what we eat, what we watch, what we hear, etc. Everything we allow into ourselves leaves a mark on our hearts and minds. What is in our hearts and minds is what is revealed through our fruit, our actions and words. God wants us to be mindful of what we expose ourselves to, not because he is a controlling God who wants to make our lives miserable. It is just the opposite. He wants to protect us from ourselves and the evil that is part of human nature. He wants marriage on this earth to be a reflection of Jesus' future marriage to his Bride, us!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Just a little something from my journal:

God put eternity in our hearts. Our souls thirst for Him. We were created for Him and therefore our lives are empty without Him. WE are empty without Him!

Monday, May 19, 2008

ABCs of Adoration - Psalm 1 - 4

I mentioned once before about the ABCs of adoration. Last night at house church we did this again at the beginning of the night and included the kids. Afterwards we asked the kids "Why do we adore and praise God?" The answers they gave us were:

* It makes Him happy
* To remind us of who He is
* We were created to do this. This is what we'll be doing in eternity so we are tapping into eternity a little bit by doing this.
* God inhabits the praises of His people, so we are inviting Him to be with us, to come into our midst.

I decided I want to search the scriptures for my own list of adorations. I figured the Psalms were the best place to start. I also want to start doing this with my own children, helping them to learn to search the scriptures for these things.

"watches over the way of the righteous"
~Psalm 1:6

"you are a shield around me, O Lord."
~Psalm 3:3

"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."
~Psalm 3:5

"From the Lord comes deliverance"
~Psalm 3:8

"Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord"
~Psalm 4:6

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."
~Psalm 4:8

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am a huge Ted Dekker fan. I've read the Circle Triology (Black, Red & White) and find him to be a very talented writer. But more importantly he is able to weave in some very important and profound truths about our Lord into his stories. He focuses quite a bit on the battle that rages in us between sin and our new lives in Christ. He focuses on what the books call the Great Romance between humans and Elyon (follows along with what the Lord has been revealing to me about the Song of Solomon).

He has also written a young adult fiction series called The Lost Books that ties into the Circle Triology. I just finished the last book Chaos. At the end there is a part in the book that really hit home with me that I wanted to share.

Silvie suddenly felt the weight of the idea and began to cry with them. Because she too, was the Dark One, wasn't she? They all were, as much as they were all Forest Dwellers, without Elyon's cleansing water.

Yet they were chosen. It was up to them to follow either the one who had made them dark, or the one who had chosen each of them.

(Ted Dekker, Chaos)

We all have sin, darkness, within us. However the Lord has chosen us, chosen us before the beginning of the world to be His. He has chosen us to be loved by Him. We know have the choice of which to follow. The darkness that is inherent in each of us, or to follow the One who chose us before the beginning of time?

For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will - to the praise of His glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One He loves.

~ Ephesians 1:4-6

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thankful Thursday - Family

I've been asked a couple times now to participate in this weekly posting called Thankful Thursday. So today I'm going to join in. I can make excuses that I'm too busy but in the end those are probably the times when I should be dwelling on this the most.

So this week I want to thank the Lord for my family. My immediate family - my wonderful husband and my three beautiful children. I also want to thank the Lord for my church family.

I was just thinking a couple days ago about where I am right now in life and in my walk with the Lord. I realize some choices could have been different in my life. My husband and I met in high school and married when I was halfway through college. We moved from Washington State where we were both raised to Arizona and then from there to Northern California where we now live. When times are rough, I could always start the "what if. . ." game. But then I realize the blessing in my life are dependent on those choices I've made.

Sometimes I wonder if I had not been rebelling against God in high school, then maybe I would not be in a spiritually unequal marriage right now. Many decisions and situations in my life would be so much easier if I was married to someone with the same beliefs that I have. However, on the other side of the coin, I would not be married to the wonderfully caring husband I am married to right now. I would not have the three beautiful children I have. I would not have moved to Arizona with my husband and ended up with the company I worked for that moved me out here to Northern California. If I had not moved out here I would not have met the amazing people I now call family, my house church. That makes me wonder if I would be walking as closely with God as I am right now if it was not for some of these people and the way we "do" church.

So - today I'm thankful for my family - the people the Lord has put in my life even when my choices may have not always been the wisest. None of my choices ever surprise Him and I need to remember regardless of my past, He has a purpose for me. I'm right where I'm supposed to be right now and He has surrounded me with people I love and who love me. If that is not something to be thankful for, I don't know what is!

For more Thankful Thursdays please visit Sting my Heart.

Florida Healing

I’m not sure how many of you may be following, or have maybe even heard of the Floriday Healing revival that is taking place right now in Lakeland Florida. I’ve heard and read a lot about Todd Bentley, the man who is part of this. I really like him and believe that he is genuinely a man being used by God.

However, I will admit because of my background I find it hard to really believe some of these things. I believe God CAN heal and I’ve seen it first hand to a certain degree myself. However, individuals that are as outgoing and loud as Todd sometimes put me on the defensive because of past scars. But the Lord has spoken to me lately about the difference between being discerning and being judgmental based on my own human opinions or experiences. My reservations in this case are solely based on thing that have happened to me in the past, people who were not really doing these things for God’s glory. However, I’m also now realizing God still can use these people to do His work.

If you have not checked it out yet, you can see live streaming of this at

I’m reposting here an email I received from Joni Ames a few days ago (with her permission). Her email hit it right on the head for me. So I’m sharing this, hoping it will also speak to someone else.

* * * * * * *

What Is Going On? Is It Real or Fake?
Joni Ames
May 11, 2008

When I was in my late 20's (I'm now 53), the church I attended took part in hosting a famous televangelist to come to our city. A large, 5,000 seat theater was rented, and many of us took part in volunteering and helping out. I was very excited, and arrived earlier than anyone else, figuring maybe I'd be able to get a good enough seat to see the miracles I'd heard about first hand!

When I got to the theater, the evangelist's staff was already busy. There was a flurry of activity and they were all quite friendly and seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. I felt quite honored just to be there! I was a young single mom, and this was the most excitement I'd had in awhile!

As the people arrived, the man's staff was very helpful to everyone. People who seemed to have a hard time getting around were especially helped. They even grabbed wheel chairs to put them in, and gave the more feeble ones front row seats in them! When the people said they really didn't need to be in a wheel chair, the staff winked and said, "That's ok! Being in it will give you a better seat!"

I just did what I was told, and helped unload products onto tables, or did whatever was needed. When I was no longer needed, I went and sat in a fairly unoccupied area to observe it all.

I met a precious older lady who was in a lot of pain because she had been in an auto accident. She was there to get healed. I let the staff know that she especially needed prayer. Some of them went over and struck up a conversation with her. They then assured me that she would get prayed for personally by the evangelist during the service. I was excited about that! I wanted to see her healed and was happy to have helped line her up for that!

The meeting began, and the auditorium was quite full of excitement and enthusiasm. Some staff members got the people to begin shouting, "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" and to do some other kinds of cheers. They also did responsive type of things like, "Do you believe Jesus heals?" The crowd would say, "Yes!" - They would say, "Oh come on now - do you REALLY believe Jesus heals?" And the crowd would again say, "Yes!" - Then they would tell the crowd, "That was pretty weak! If you want Jesus to heal tonight, you better let Him hear you!"

Next, they had little contests with each section of the auditorium trying to see who was the loudest. They told the people that they were going to be on camera, but not to be intimidated. They needed to keep up the same enthusiasm so that it would encourage the evangelist to press in and get the anointing so good things would happen. They were promised that, if they did as directed, they would see and experience miracles that night. - And reminded that they didn't want to "quench" the spirit and stop those miracles from happening. How smart and how kind of these people to help us know how to help God to show up! (I was young, remember?!)

The services finally began, and the crowd was dutifully pressing in to participate in every way in which they had been directed - even to being responsive in the worship. Nobody wanted to be the one to "quench" the spirit and stop miracles from happening.

The evangelist came out and spoke awhile, and then asked if there was anyone there who had been healed in any of his previous meetings. There were several who came up - and apparently they'd been so touched that they became his staff members, because they were all people that I'd recognized as having been those who had been meeting and greeting and helping people get into that night's meeting! (I told you I was young!)

For awhile, the evangelist told some stories about other places and other times when other miracles had happened. Then He said, "Jesus is here now and is going to do it tonight too!!" Wow! The crowd got excited!

Two or three sets of people came up on stage and got prayed for. He seemed to know everything about them! Even their kids' names, and the town they were from!

Suddenly the staff hurried down to the lady in front of me who'd had the accident! Oh good! She was going to be prayed for and healed! I began to cry for joy for her!

Suddenly the presence of the Lord came on me, personally, in a serious tone. He sternly said, "Watch and Listen! I'm going to teach you something tonight that you will carry with you for the rest of your life!"

The evangelist asked the lady if she had ever met him before. "No."

He repeated the question and added, "So we have never had a conversation before this moment, right?" She responded, "No, but I spoke to some of your staff members."

Irritated, he said, "That's not what I asked. Pay attention. You and I have never had a conversation before this moment, right?" She got a little uneasy, "No, but..."

"Do you believe God knows your name?"


"Do you believe God knows everything about you?"


"Is your name ____, and do you have a son named ____?"


"Let me ask again...Have you and I ever had a conversation before tonight?"

"No, but...."

"Don't interrupt the atmosphere, just answer yes or no to my questions. ...Have you and I ever had a conversation before tonight?"


She looks down at me, pleadingly, as if to say, "What do I do?!"

He continues, "You had a wreck about 2 years ago, yes or no?"


"You hurt your back and haven't been able to bend to touch your toes since then, yes or no?"


"Do you believe Jesus heals?"

"Yes, but..." He stops her as she tries to say, "But I spoke to YOUR STAFF and told them these things!"

"Don't grieve the atmosphere, just answer yes or no to my questions. ..Do you believe Jesus heals?"

"Yes, of course I do! But..." As he stops her from speaking, she begins to nervously cry.

"There it is! Don't be afraid to weep! That weeping shows that He's coming on your right now!"

The woman looks pleadingly at me again. The evangelist addresses the crowd. He reads a couple of healing verses. He asks them if THEY believe God's word, and if THEY believe Jesus can heal her tonight. They respond enthusiastically, as previously directed to do. The evangelist says, "All 5,000 of you here in this auditorium tonight, stretch your hands forth towards this woman! We're going to see her healed tonight!" He recites a prayer, reminding God of His word, and that if two or more agree, He will do what is asked. The crowd gets caught up in more responsive comments. He tells the lady to touch her toes now (which she couldn't do before) and she does it! The crowd goes wild! He has her do it and some other things she couldn't do several times. Now the crowd is on their feet!

That woman is finally sent back to her seat and he goes over to the wheel chairs and commands people to get up out of them and walk. The crowd goes even more wild!

But I remember that those people didn't need to be in the wheel chairs in the first place. Now I begin to see what is going on.

The Lord draws my attention back to the lady who just got healed. He says, "See her face? She is grieved because she was a part of how things just went down. Get ready to go meet with her in the lobby and tell her not to loose her healing."

The Lord continues, "You see, what just happened here is that I honored My Word, My Name, and the faith of My people. My Word does not go forth and return void, and when 5,000 people agree on My Word and in My Name, people are going to get healed."

"The gifts and calling are without repentance. It is up to each one as to how they use them."

"As for him, I'll deal with him in time. You see, what happened tonight is why My Word says that there will be those who say they healed and cast out demons in My Name, yet I'll tell them to depart from Me because I never knew them."

"But My Word will NOT go forth and return void, and I will honor it when My People believe and agree on My Word and in My Name."

"Go tell her I love her, and not to loose her healing, and explain this to her."

At that, she rose, ran out of the auditorium, and down the hall. I ran after her and did as the Lord said. She just kept weeping and saying, "I don't deserve to be healed! I helped him lie!"

I don't know what ever happened to that lady. She left in tears. As for the evangelist, a few years later he was exposed as having used an earpiece to get information from his staff while he ministered, and he spent time in prison.

I later went on to work for several large ministries throughout my lifetime. At some I learned what to do, and at others, what not to do. Still in all, I mainly tried to believe the best until proven otherwise. Then the Lord showed me in His Word that He really wanted us first to "Test the spirits as to whether they were from Him." So that took me down another road called discernment. Not judgmentalism. Discernment. And love.

In Phillipians 1:15-18, Paul says, "(15) Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill," (16) "The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains," (17) "But the latter of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel." (18) "What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice."

Since that time, I've worked at and been around many other ministries before God launched me into my own. Most of them were sincere and real. But I've seen many things that were not good as well. I've seen people fake the gold dust, fake the gems, and fake the prophetic. I've watched people try to blow others down, push them down, and cause them to laugh themselves silly. But God is the same yesterday, today, and forever - and is forever real and true. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, and God has been faithful to still be real and show up and honor His Word and His Name.

In most cases, we don't have to deal with whether something or someone is or isn't of God. The various "offices" all have their own "personality." The "evangelist" is known as the more showy, loud, excitable, "Simon Peter" type of anointing. They get so excited that they often embellish the numbers in the crowd, etc. - In fact, Simon Peter got so excited that he lopped off a man's ear!

I learned to not expect everyone to do things "my way." But I've also been freed from other's expectations to try to get me to be "like them" as well. I'm a more laid back person. So I minister in a more calm manner.

The Lord showed me that's ok! After all, David couldn't walk in Saul's armor to kill the giant, so we cannot walk in anyone else's personality, style, or anointing to kill ours!

There are people who like the more loud, showy ministries that others can't stand nor receive from. By the same token, there are those who are bored by the more calm and gentle ones. But isn't God good for giving to us a variety so that all can be met right where they are?!

Sometimes we just need to give a little grace to the person to be who they are and to operate in their own personality and style, without demonizing them because of it.

Since God uses people, we just have to realize that, although each move seems to bring about a new facet of the Lord, we will also see new personality type in the people He uses to convey it through.

The over zealous ones will try to demonize those who don't run with the new thing, and visa versa. The ones involved in the 'new thing' will try to demonize those who don't participate with them as being religious spirited.

What we need to remember is that God's word tells us that ALL parts of the Body are needed, and to not disrespect or minimize any of it. Additionally, in Eph. 4:16 we are told that "When EVERY part does it's share, it causes growth in the Body."

Hence, we each need to do what we are called to do and finally get that Kindergarten principle down and learn to "Get along well with others!"

I heard that some Osprey were seen carrying fish over the stadium in Florida where things have been happening recently. Osprey are kind of related to the eagle family. I feel that, through that, God was showing us that the "offspring" of the previous healing evangelist era and the prophetic movement are bringing in the "fish!"

What we are seeing right now is a full blown example of the zealous healing evangelist anointing, combined with the prophetic, coming forth. The evangelist is sometimes wild, loud, aggressive, and seemingly obnoxious. To them, everything is extraordinary and over the top. They need their "papas" - their apostolic/prophetic/pastoral coverings - to help them out so that they don't get strange and out of balance. We all need that! But they are still needed! They are fire starters.

Let's rejoice and take what is happening as a sign that the harvest will now begin to come in. We've been getting equipped and ready for this day, and with the healing evangelist anointing coming forth again, the harvest is on it's way!

In that, don't leave YOUR post if that isn't your call! And you don't have to feel "guilty" or "bad" about it. But let's not try to "kill" them either! Just say, "Yay God! Another part of your team is coming forth!" Then keep on doing what you are called to do and don't word curse them.

By the same token, those who are going full blown into what is happening don't need to say to the others, "Your day is over - get on this boat or die." - Because that isn't true. Those who are called to teach and activate the Body of Christ need to keep on doing it! There is a whole new crew about to come in that we need to tend to and to train up now as well! Their job isn't "over;" rather, it has begun anew once more!

So, what is going on? And is it real or fake?

The bottom line is, it takes all kinds to minister to all kinds.

Will there be lying signs and wonders and some fakes? Jesus said there would. But in the process, there will also be some folks who may just be rough around the edges, or different than we are used to, who aren't necessarily demons, but just different. And hey, God used a donkey, and he uses you and me, so why not others?

In the process, God honors His Word, His Name, and the faith of His People. His Word does not go forth and return void. So, when people agree on His Word and His Name, stuff is going to happen.

Are signs, wonders, and miracles a sign that someone is right with God? Not necessarily. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. If someone is doing something and their heart isn't right, God will deal with them in time. The Word says that there will be those who say they healed and cast out demons in His Name, yet the Lord will tell them to depart from Him because He never knew them.

But, again, even if the person preaching it isn't perfect, God's Word will NOT go forth and return void, and He will honor it and the use of His Name with genuine healings, signs, wonders, and miracles when His People believe and agree on His Word and Name. Good thing. Because none of us are perfect.

- Joni Ames

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint this article in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own web sites. We ask only that you keep Joni's web site, email contact info, and author contact information intact.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Character of Daniel

I've mentioned a couple times, that I'm currently studying the book of Daniel right now. I plan to go to Esther next, but I'm still finding nuggets in Daniel. One of the men we consider an "elder" in our house church recently did a sermon at the local House of Prayer regading the character of Daniel.

I highly recommend downloading the podcast and listening to it. There are notes included as well. I think it is a great starting point for diving into Daniel. I believe they only keep the podcasts online for a few weeks though so you may want to download it now even if you can't listen right away.

The Character of End Times Daniel (podcast) - Juan Chapa

The Character of End Times Daniel (notes) - Juan Chapa

The more I read Daniel the more I realize how much we as Christians can learn from his life. The more I read, the greater my desire to become more like Daniel. This sermon has now made me want to go back through Daniel again and start looking for those characteristics that I see in his life that I would like in mine.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Unequally Yoked - Nancy Kennedy at SUM

As many of you know, I am in a spiritually unequally yoked marriage, meaning my beloved husband is not a Believer. Marriage can be very difficult and being married to someone who does not hold the same beliefs as you, especially when those beliefs are so important to you, can make it even more difficult.

One of the first books I ever read regarding this after I came back to Christ was a book by Nancy Kennedy called When He Doesn't Believe: Help and Encouragement for Women Who Feel Alone in Their Faith. I found the book very encouraging.

Lynn over at Spiritually Uneqal Marriage (SUM) has posted an interview with Nancy Kennedy on her blog. I highly recommend checking it out.

Welcome Nancy Kennedy

Also, check out Nancy's sites

Nancy Kennedy Books
Walk With Me Blog (Today's Christian Woman)
MySpace - Nancy Kennedy

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A Whisper of Grace

One of the ladies over at 1Peter3Living has started a blog for New Believers called A Whisper of Grace.

I'll let you read her testimony on her site, however I can tell you this site is definitely worth adding to your blogroll regardless of where you are in your walk with the Lord. She is very honest about where she is in her journey and the struggles she has faced. As she has come to know the Lord she has often been overwhelmed because she had no past experience with Christianity (was not raised in a Christian home). The purpose of her blog is to help other new believers find resources which compliment where they are currently in their walk without overwhelming, confusing or discouraging them.

However, even if you consider yourself a more "seasoned" Christian you will find this blog refreshing and relevant. Please take a look and drop Lizzie a note to encourage her. God's fingerprints are all over this blog!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

ABCs of Adoration

I was recently told about something called the ABCs of Adoration. We tried this in house church a few weeks ago and are going to do so again next week.

Basically we go around in a circle praying and praising God for who He is. The first person starts with "A". They thank God for an attribute that starts with that letter. The next person does "B" and so on. The children did it with us and seemed to really like it.

So, I started to list attributes that I could think of in my journal for each letter. I'm also going to start looking for these in my daily Bible reading. As I come across them I'm going to start putting the attributes as well as the scripture verses in my journal.

So here are a few that I came up with myself, so far:

Awesome, Amazing, Abba, Almighty, Adoring, Adoni

Beautiful, Bountiful, Bigger than Life

Comforter, Courageous, Calming, Counselor

Devoted, Divine, Daring

Everlasting, Elyon

Father, Faithful, Friend, Fisher of Men

God, Good, Great, Gracious, Gentle

Holy, Healer, Husband

In Love (with me!)

Just, Justice, Jesus, Jealous, Joy

King, Kind

Lord, Loving, Love, Lover of my Soul

Merciful, Majestic

Neverending, Noble, Never Changing

Ominpotent, Omniscent

Protector, Peacemaker, Peace, Provision

Quiet (still small voice)

Rescuer, Royalty, Ravishing

Savior, Salvation, Security



(the) Way, Watchful

Yeshua, Yahweh,