Sunday, November 09, 2008

77 Days of Prayer for our New President - Day 5

I received this via email today and wanted to share:

77 Days of Prayer for our New President
Day Five: November 9, 2008
72 days, 16 hours and 59 minutes left until inauguration day.

For Appropriate Submission to Authority
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
—Romans 13:1

Loving Lord God, in Your grace and goodness, You have given us the gift of free will and have mingled it with Your sovereign will and authority. We thank You today for this powerful gift. We open our hearts to trust completely in You—to look to You in every part of our national life, accepting Your will as wise and good.

As we pray for our newly elected President, we ask for grace to see Your hand at work. May we willingly acknowledge that You are the one who establishes all authority, and that those who are lifted up to serve do so at Your good pleasure. We ask You to unite us in that understanding, Lord, that our nation may move forward in Your will. In Your holy name, amen.