Friday, November 14, 2008

Fight FOCA - Freedom of Choice Act

During the elections I had posted about the ramifications if the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) was to be signed into law. Click here for that post.

You may have noticed a new link and a new ad on my sidebar called Fight FOCA. This is a site dedicated to educating people regarding the truth about FOCA. It also includes a petition for those opposing FOCA to sign and an open letter to President-elect Obama regarding his promise to Planned Parenthood to sign this into law if he was elected.

If you are Pro-Life and believe in standing for the rights of unborn children who are innocent and have no voice of their own - please visit this site and consider signing the petition. FOCA would make ALL abortions legal on a federal level. This would eliminate restrictions that have already been placed on a state level in some places (partial birth abortion bans, parental notification laws to name a few). It would also ensure our taxpayer dollars are used to fund abortions and would require faith-based healthcare organizations to perform abortions.

Want more information - read here for an analysis of FOCA prepared by Denise M. Burke, Vice President of Legal Affairs for AUL (Americans United for Life)

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