Sunday, December 31, 2006

Greek v. Hebrew Thinking

The following information I found on the following website (Follow the Rabbi), regarding the difference between Greek (Western) and Hebrew (Eastern) thinking. While reviewing these items on "Thinking about God" I realized how my thinking has actually started to shift from Greek to Hebrew in the past months. My desire is for it to continue to do so.

Existence of God:

Greek - tries to prove the existence of God.
Hebrew - assumes the existence of God.
Me - I've always leaned toward the Hebrew thinking. There has never been a time for me where I've doubted God's existence. I have rebelled openly against Him at times, but never doubted that He was real.

Describing God:

Greek - focus on the being of God.
Hebrew - focus on relationship with God.
Me - I've definitely been Greek in my thinking until the past few months. I'm slowing coming around to actually focusing on my relationship with the Lord. In our studies on the Holy Spirit I've also been coming to realize that He is not just some "spirit" that helps me to see right from wrong. He is a part of God that I need to have a relationship with and get to know better as well.


Greek - see faith as intellectual. Expresses faith in creeds and doctrine, listing proof texts to support their beliefs.
Hebrew - see faith as relational and personal. Express faith in terms of their relationship with God, rather than as a rationalization.
Me - once again I've been Greek in thought until the past few months. In this area more than the other two, in fact. However, I'm beginning to see that Faith is not a textbook thing to be proved. It truely is based on our relationship with the Lord and will deepen and mature only as my relationship with the Lord deepens and matures.

Where do you stand regarding your thinking in these areas? Does it matter to you?

I agree with this website in that understanding and thinking like Jesus did will open up areas of understanding the Scriptures and therefore the Lord that we've never experienced before. I don't believe we should totally abandon what we've learned about God's Word through our culture, but we can not ignore what we can learn by seeking God's Word through the eyes and minds of those who lived during the times it was written.

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