Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Prayer for Obama as our next President

I must say I was disappointed but not altogether surprised as I watched the election coverage tonight and saw that Obama will be our next president. I believe America is going to be in for a rude awakening and I believe Obama is a very smooth talker who many have unfortunately chosen to put their hope in.

However, that being said - I'm even more confident in the fact that my Lord is still in control. I may not understand it, but He knows what He is doing, He is never wrong and He IS in control! My hope is in Him and Him alone.

In the past couple weeks there have been a couple discussions I've been involved in or been privy to that I believe sum up how I'm feeling today. I'm going to share them with you now.

First, in my daughter’s homeschool co-op they are learning about Daniel. The elections came up because they have been praying about the elections and the US. One of the questions was “What if Obama does win?” One child had an amazing answer for someone her age (maybe even for someone our age!). She replied (my paraphrase, but you get the point) – “Well, God is always in control even when we don’t see it ourselves. In Daniel it says that God chose Nebuchadnezzar and used him to do His will even though Nebuchadnezzar did not know God. So if Obama wins maybe this is the same thing. We just have to trust God.” Amazing insight!!

This has also come up as a topic on the Christan email distribution group at work. One question that came up was if Obama does win, how will you react? Especially considering God’s Word tells us to pray for our leaders and to submit to them.

Here is the answer I sent in reply:

Even if Obama wins I will submit to his leadership and pray for him and all our leaders - however I do add one exception, I will not follow any "rules" under Obama (or any president or other leader) if they are in direct opposition to God's Word. I don't plan to be "in your face" about these things if it comes to that point, I will do it in God's Love, but I will only submit so far as it does not make me walk off the path God has put me on.

In a way I live this same way at home. I have a husband I love dearly however, he is not a Believer. God's Word tells me that I should submit to my husband, and so in many matters I do. I've learned to pray and "pick my battles" with him and then to "fight" those battles in a respectful and loving way. In this way I honor him and in doing so honor my Lord (and hopefully in the process show my husband the love of Jesus for him).

Regardless of who becomes president I will handle things the same way. I will pray for the leaders and honor them as long as honoring them will not quench the Light of God that He has asked me to shine on this world. I will probably mess up along the way as I tend to become very passionate about certain things, but the Lord is slowly teaching me in my own home how to stand for His Truth in a way that draws others to Him instead of repelling them.

So - with that being said I lift up our future president in prayer:

Dear Lord,

I put my trust in you 100% even when I don't understand what is happening around me. I lift up to you all our current leaders and all new leaders who have been elected this day, including our president-elect, Barrack Obama. I pray you give them wisdom and discernment in leading this country and pour your blessings upon them.

I pray that you will whisper to them in your quiet still voice and draw their hearts to you, that they will learn to rely on you in all their decisions. I pray Lord, no matter what is in store for this country, that it be within your Will and that many will come to know you more through the circumstances that arise.

I acknowledge your sovereignty Lord and ask that you lead us to walk with you, I pray for repentance and healing for this country and I'm willing to accept that through whatever means you choose to use. Please change my heart where it is not in alignment with your Will. Please give me the grace to look past my biases and see your hand at work around me.

I praise your holy name, Jesus



Anonymous said...

Great post Ang!

Duzell said...

Hey guess what! Obama is Pro-Gay rights. :D And you just voted for him.

Ang said...


You obviously did NOT read my post very well and have not read my previous posts. I know exactly where Obama stands and I did NOT vote for him. Nowhere on this blog have I said I would vote for him, in fact if you had read anything here you would see it is very clear that I did NOT vote for him.

However, God's Word says we are to pray for our leaders, therefore I will be praying for Obama and his family and his adminstration regardless of what I think of his politics.