Now if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach; and it will be given to him. ~James 1:5
Saturday, December 29, 2007
New Again - Brad Paisely & Sara Evans
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
My Christmas Tea Experience
The event was being hosted by a large church in our area. I’ve been to a few teas before, but never something like this one. As we walked in the front door we were overwhelmed by the amount of tables set up with items including jewelry, lotions, candles and everything you can think of to purchase. All the tables were beautifully decorated and there was even a chocolate fountain for everyone to dip marshmallows and pieces of cake in! Then we walked into the room where the tea was being served. Men from the church were dressed in tuxedos serving us, there was a man playing Christmas carols on a pan flute and there were beautiful Christmas decorations everywhere! Many of the women were dressed in gorgeous gowns and I must admit, it was absolutely beautiful (and the food was delicious!)
Then the program started, filled with beautiful music and dancing. I’ve been to teas before where they’ve given out little gifts. At this one they started telling us about what they had set aside for us to take home. There was a beautiful chocolate covered graham cracker with an angel on it, a silver heart necklace, and tickets to a Christmas performance at the church. On top of that they informed us that we were to take home the porcelain napkin holder, teacup and saucer that we were using.
While I should have been overwhelmed by their generosity, all I could think about was how much money it must have cost them to put this together and how the money could have been used on something else, to help those less fortunate than us. I found myself start thinking about how the real meaning of Christmas was being lost, that these women were more worried about pampering themselves than helping those who need help. From there I started wondering how close these women’s walk with the Lord really was, since they seemed to have their priorities messed up.
Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think we should try to be martyrs all the time, nor can I say that I don’t do things to pamper myself. I was just so overwhelmed with this tea and the amount of time and money that had to have gone into the event.
As I’m thinking these things, one of the women got up and started talking to us about God. All of a sudden I heard the Lord start to reprimand me. He showed me very clearly that this woman knew and loved the Lord just as much as me and that I did not have the right to judge these women. I’ve mentioned before that I do not attend “traditional” church. I am part of a house church or a church without walls as some call it. A lot of times when I explain this to people I feel as if they are judging me and trying to convince me to come to their church because in their minds what I’m doing is not really church. God showed me that day that I was doing the exact same thing to these women. Just because they did not “do church” the same way I did, I was judging them. I was no better than those people who have implied that I was not following the Lord because of how I chose to worship Him and fellowship with others.
That really humbled me. I wanted to just sit there and weep. But our God is wonderful and merciful. In the same moment that He showed me how I was judging others, He also showed His love for me.
I’ve been on a journey lately to discover how the Lord really sees me. I have trouble imagining the God of the universe loving and pursuing me. I’ve been asking Him lately to open my eyes to how He is romancing me.
As I sat there that day, realizing that I was doing to these women exactly what others have done to me, the Lord also opened my eyes to His love for me. The woman talking and telling us about what gifts they had for us was telling us that the Lord loved us and we were all special to Him. She said the tea was their way of pampering us and showing us God’s love. As she was speaking these words, I clearly heard the Lord tell me
“Angela, I love you. I am using these women and this event to show you how very much I love you. I am romancing you right now. Open your heart and accept it. Don’t deny me this opportunity to love you. Don’t judge them based on what you think is right or wrong and miss out on what I am trying to give to you.”
It is amazing how we can take something the Lord means to use to show us His love and twist it into something we judge others regarding. And it is even more amazing how the Lord can teach us a lesson, reprimand us and at the same time show us how very much He loves us.
Is there something in your life the Lord is trying to use to bless you, but you are not allowing it? The Lord wants us to learn to love others and sacrifice for others. However, we also need to allow others to love and sacrifice for us. If we don’t we may not only be missing something special and amazing the Lord has for us, we may also be keeping someone else from serving the Lord by serving us.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Who is our Worship for?
How many times have you been in church during worship and just not "felt it". How many times have you thought, "I just don't like this song" and tuned out or changed the radio station? The question I've started asking myself is, does it really matter if I like the song or not? All that really matters is if God is enjoying the worship of His people, right? It is easy to loose sight of that though. Worship is for God, not for us.
I bring this up because tonight I was at our local house of prayer and something happened to drive this point home. We had an hour of worship and then a speaker. She mentioned a story about someone coming up to her at a conference worried that they were going to offend her. You see they had not liked the style of worship the night before and the woman wanted to tell her but was worried that she would be offended. Joni's response was, "Oh that! I'm not offended. It's not big deal, because the worship was for God not you."
Joni's story about this really hit home for me because although I love worship, I find it difficult for me to focus on God at times. You see I'm very self conscience when I'm around others during worship. I don't have a very good voice (in fact when singing in the car I turn up the radio loud enough so I can't hear myself!) I'm always worried about disturbing others with my voice. I know God enjoys all of our worship, regardless of our singing ability, but it is hard to remember that at times.
Tonight though my doubts came regarding the raising of my hands. You see I'm also self conscience about that. I'm afraid I'm going to stand out and people are going to stare at me or something. I know deep down if they are truely worshiping God (which is what I'm supposed to be doing) they won't even notice me (or my voice or my hands!) because their focus is on God. What was really funny about tonight though is that everyone there had their hands up. So really I stood out more by not putting my hands up! But that little voice the enemy has planted in my head was telling me I was not sincere and would be just doing it to fit in. If I raised my hands everyone would know I was a "fake".
So I started praying and God immediately revealed to me how I was allowing the enemy to put the focus on me instead of on God. Boy, did that humble me! In addition, God told me my problem was not that I was not focusing on Him so much as it was I was not willing to surrender to him. You see, I don't think raising hands to God in worship is weird. In fact I think it is beautiful. I love to see people totally abandoned to God in worship, raising their faces and hands to heaven in praise. I imagine that is what David looked like when he danced through the streets and sang the Psalms he wrote. That is what Miriam looked like when she danced and sang to the Lord when the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt. But the enemy has planted lies in my head about me doing those things. That however is a whole other issue I could write about for months.
In the end, God told me I needed to surrender to Him. To not be afraid to give up control (because to be honest, I'm not really the one in control anyway.) At one point tonight I was able to do that and without even realizing it I raised my hand to the Lord and truely worshiped. Now that is not to say that I have it all figured out now. It did not last for the rest of the worship time. At one point those lies of the enemy raised their voice again and I lowered my hands and my focus went back to me. But I did get a taste of surrendering to God and it was beautiful! Now that I've experienced it I can strive for that next time. Each time it will get easier to disregard those voices in my head and to surrender to and focus on God instead of me.
The other amazing thing that happened though is the picture I received. You see, I'm a visual person and the Lord often speaks to me by giving me pictures. I wish I could paint because they are so beautiful. Tonight for that period of time I surrendered to God and truely worshiped Him, He gave me a picture. Actually it was more of a video, I guess.
As I stood there with my eyes closed and my hand raised (yes, it was only one this time!) I felt a breeze blow across those assembled there in worship. In my mind I could see all of us there with our hands and faces raised to heaven and could feel the Holy Spirit amoung us in that breeze. It was like a mighty but gentle wind. Then above our hands I saw Jesus dancing. He was weaving in and out between our upraised arms with his head thrown back in joyous laughter and his arms out. He was dancing and basking in our praises of worship and love. What an awesome picture.
So my question to you (and myself from now on) is when you worship, who is your worship for? Are you focused on God or are you focused on you? Do you see Jesus dancing around you in joy, basking in your praises? I know I don't nearly as often as I want to.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Unfailing Love
You are still Sovereign, even when the darkness surrounds me.
(from a song I heard last night)
Verses the Lord gave me:
Psalm 143:6-8
I spread out my hands to you;
my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.
Answer me quickly, O Lord; my spirit fails.
Do not hide your face from me
or I will be like those who go down to the pit.
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Bible Map
You can choose any book of the Bible and chapter and see on a map where the passage is referencing. I have always loved maps (I used to draw maps of islands I would make up as a child and I also used to love drawing floorplans of our house!)
Check it out. It would be great for research, but also is just fun to play with.
If you want to see other great sites I've stumbled across click on the My StumbleUpon Page logo/link on the sidebar.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Whatever it Takes
At first I resisted (which is why it is a week later and I'm just now posting this.) I argued that this is just something too personal for me to share. Then the Lord reminded me how I am at times frustrated and lonely feeling because I think I'm going through things that others are not. We keep these "private" things hidden from the world and so many times we may be going through the same things, but thinking we are in it all alone. Yes, we have God. But He created us for fellowship with one another and tells us to bear one another's burdens.
So with that said, here is the prayer I journaled that day and the response the Lord gave me. I pray it gives someone else comfort, peace and the courage to step out in faith.
I strongly recommend you read Dineen's post first The Most Dangerous Prayer
I am falling to my knees asking what I have always been afraid to ask in the past. Asking for the one thing that matters more to me than anything else aside from You. I'm completely surrendering my husband to You, trusting in You fully to take us both through whatever lies ahead. Lord, I am asking that You do whatever it takes to bring my beloved to saving knowledge of You, to a full relationship with You as his Lord and Savior
These are the verses the Lord gave me in response to my prayer
Ephesian 3:16-19
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
When One is Enough
I came across this article through another blog tonight. Even knowing how much the enemy has deceived and twisted this nation's views of life, this article still amazes me. I was horrified and have no words to describe how this makes me feel, other than it brings me to my knees to cry out for mercy from our Lord.
This article shines the light on how we as a nation have become so centered on ourselves. Please be warned this is disturbing. I hate to be so harsh, but the bottom line is this - abortion is NOT about a choice, no matter how you want to try to "logically" think it through. Abortion is the murder of innocent, defenseless babies.
This is a real article about a woman who finds out she is pregnant with triplets and decides three babies would be too inconvenient. Now I will admit, having triplets would be overwhelming, however that does NOT give us a reason to take a life.
My youngest child was not a planned pregnancy. We had two children, one girl and one boy. That was what I had always wanted, we were done having children. However, just before Austin turned one we found out we were pregnant again. Yes it was overwhelming! Yes it still is overwhelming at times! However, Jesse is a precious miracle blessing for us and we love him dearly. We can not imagine our lives without him. He is a human life, a blessing from God. Period. Only God has the right to determine when that life ends, not me. And especially not in order to make things "easier" for me.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Pro-Life Sites
I've been looking into different organizations/movements lately as I feel the Lord leading me to take a more active stand. I believe we should take a stand for the Lord, however we must be careful not to be "in your face" obnoxious. That never changes anyone's minds and in the end, the only real way to end abortion is not to change the laws, but to change people's hearts. (Don't get me wrong, I want the laws to change, but realistically I know this will not end the killing of innocent lives).
Here are some sites I've come across lately that I wanted to share with each of you which I will be adding to my sidebar.
This is the movement I wrote about awhile back. It is a grassroots movement that does silent sieges and is actively praying for the Lord to end abortion and change people's hearts.
Operation Outcry
This is a project "to end legal abortion by exposing the truth about its devastating impact on women and families" They are dedicated to exposing what they believe are the two largest lies regarding abortion. That it is safe for women and that it is not a baby being aborted. They are working to accomplish this through prayer and the testimonies of mothers who have been affected by these lies. This is a project of the Justice Foundation. (Thank you Carla for this link!)
A Cry Without A Voice
This site is still under construction, but you can read more about it here until the site is up and running. This is led by a women named Rebecca Porter. Mothers who have aborted their babies choose a pair of baby shoes and attach a card of commemoration. These shoes have been on display in the US, Israel and Holland. When I read this page and saw the picture of the shoes and card Rebecca did for her son, I wept. We've been told so many lies about how abortion is a choice that harms nobody. We can't even begin to imagine the extent of the damage physically, emotionally and spiritually that is caused by this "choice".
This is a bit more "in your face" than the other sites, but I'm listing it because it has some very valuable information regarding the truth behind abortion and what it really is. Please be aware there are some very graphic images and information on this site, however I think it is information we all really need to be aware of.
If you are aware of other noteworthy sites, please let me know. I'm going to start a "Choose Life" Resources section on my blog.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Bella - Pro Life Movie
Even with all the acclaim and the praise from critics, this movie is not being widely shown and is receiving a bashing from pro-choice individuals/groups and Planned Parenthood activists.
This movie needs our support. I'm including the official website for the movie where you can watch the trailer and see which theaters the movie is being shown. You can also find more information on how you can support the movie.
Bella - Official Movie Site
I plan to go see the movie and I'll let you know what I think afterwards. But if you get a chance to go before me, please let me know what you thought of it.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Seeds Planted
Beginning Monday morning I started getting up early in order to have a short devotional time with my daughter each morning. The original plan was to pray, spend time quietly listening for God and reading the Bible for about 15 minutes each morning. I figured we would start small and God would increase our desire. Each day has ended up being between 20 and 30 minutes.
This is teaching me to be patient because Tyler does not always respond the way I think she should. However, I am already amazed at how fast she is growing just over the past four days and her response has encouraged me. She still does not want to pray herself so I do the praying. It has been hard to back off and not try to force her to pray. But instead I've prayed and then after had her spend some time just being quiet listening for God to speak to her.
So far she has told me that God has told her that He is always with her, always watching over her and loves her more than anything in the world.
I've also found some great books that have stories from the Bible at her reading level with great illustrations. I read the scriptures from my Bible, she reads the book and then we talk about what is means. I don't just explain it to her, we talk through it together! It is amazing what she understands and seeing her perspective on things. (Visit my My Life blog for more information on the books, I'm going to do a post there on them.) So far we been going through one about stories Jesus told. This includes the one about not hiding your light, storing your treasures in heaven, and building your house (life) on the Rock of Jesus and God's Word.
However, this morning was the most encouraging. Tyler did not have school because they are doing parent/teacher conferences (she's doing great in school by the way!) So this morning I got up and figured I would do quiet time with her tonight instead of in the morning. I was going to let her sleep in. I went into the kitchen to get my coffee and heard a quiet voice behind me ask, "Mommy, aren't we going to have our quiet time today?"
That warmed my heart so much!!! And not only does she seem to be figuring it out, my days are starting out so much better. I can see a difference throughout my entire day, just because my perspective at the beginning of the day has shifted.
Monday, October 29, 2007
An example to our Children
The conference focus was on the 6-12 year old children. My daughter is six and so I was very excited about this conference. I desparately want to see my children know the Lord, but I don't want it to be forced on them and I want it to be real. However, I went into this weekend with expectations as to how my daughter would react and interact with others. If you had asked me prior to the first night, I would have denied it, but looking back I now realize I did have them.
At one point I was actually getting angry and frustrated because instead of going up with the other children during worship, she was sitting in her seat and actually fell asleep at one point. Then all of a sudden it hit me, God spoke to me. Not in an audible voice, but it was Him nevertheless.
"Let it go, my daughter. She is in my hands and I'm drawing her to me. The seeds are being planted even if you can not see it."
This was Friday night. On Saturday the speakers addressed specifically the issue of parents letting go. But that is not all God said to me. I have a bit of a control issue that the Lord is revealing to me. I've known it for awhile now, but He is showing me how deep it runs. So in my normal fashion, I figured I knew better than Him and started to argue.
"But God, she's not even trying. She's falling asleep! How can seeds be planted when she is not even awake?"
That's when He really struck deep.
"How will she know how to seek me, if she does not see it modeled for her? Let it go and just seek me yourself. That is all I require of you. I will do the rest. Let it go."
That brought me to my knees. My responsibility as a parent is to show my children who God is in MY life. They watch us and learn more from what we do than from what we say.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Who has ultimate authority?
I was originally not going to get into this, but the Lord has laid it on my heart to speak up. I know many of my friends will not agree with me and I respect that. I totally understand where they are coming from and until recently I thought the same way.
I have to go out on a limb here though and say that I support James Dobson in his choice. Here is why:
Being Pro-Life is a very important issue in my life. I will be the first to agree that we can not legislate morality, only a change in the hearts of Americans will change our laws and more importantly the actions of our nation. However, I can not in good conscience support someone who is not actively pro-life.
Now I know many will say you must vote for the "lesser of two evils" because if we throw our votes to a third-party candidate we are giving the election to the worse of the two. I have always thought this way and agreed 100%.
However, the Lord has been teaching me something lately and it has come up too many times in too many situations in the past days for me to ignore any longer or for me to keep to myself.
I have made a decision to give up trying to control my life. It is all an illusion anyway. Only God can do that. Therefore, I've committed to trust Him in everything I do. If I have made a commitment to value human life, to oppose abortion - how can I then compromise and vote for someone who does not give the same value to human life?
Yes I know that means Hilary Clinton could very well win the election and I would NOT want her as the president of my country. However, by voting for someone who is not actively pro-life, am I not telling God that I don't trust Him, that I know better than he does? That I'll commit myself to something, but only if it makes sense to me. As soon as I feel things may not be going the way I think they should be going, I'll falter and do what I think is best. What do I really know compared to God?
Is my God really not big enough to ensure a third party candidate wins if that is what He chooses? And if Hilary does win, does that mean God is no longer in control? (Maybe Hilary in power is what we complacent Christians in this country need to wake us up and cause us to take a stand for our God!)
Last night in my house church we watched chapter 19 of The Gospel of John with our kids. One part of the scene really stood out to us adults and we talked to our kids about it.
Jesus has been brought before Pilate who is questioning him. Jesus is not responding so Pilate tells him "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"
Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above."
(John 19:10-11)
God is in control, even when it appears that things are out of control. I have to trust that in the end, He is the one who gives the ultimate authority. I may not always understand it, but I serve a God who is all-powerful. I don't need to try to take control, I don't need to compromise in order to "help" Him. He already has it all planned out.
This is not only a matter of me learning to trust God though. I want to raise my children to know the Lord, to love Him and to trust Him. I say I trust my Lord, I talk the talk to my children. Can I walk the walk as well? They watch what we do much more than they listen to us.
So this election, I will be taking a stand a bit different than I have in the past. There are certain issues in this election I feel the Lord has told me are critically important. These are things that are so important I am not to compromise my beliefs in order to try to control what happens in the election. I am to vote based on these issues and trust God to take care of the rest.
Friday, October 19, 2007

When LIFE is written on a piece of red tape and placed on our mouths, we are identifying with the silent cries of the unborn and of those who have no voice. Our stand is not a protest, but a silent prayer meeting. We make our appeal to the Judge of the earth and ask Him for speedy justice to be released. It is a plea— “Oh, that God would subpoena the conscience of America!” ~Bound4Life
Our vision is to mobilize millions of people lifting up this prayer to God day and night for the ending of abortion. ~Bound4Life
Thursday, October 18, 2007
3 Words
This is the original video and can give you some ideas.
If you want to participate here is what she is doing.
1. On Tuesday, October 23, those participating will post on their blog either a picture or a video with 3 words defining their week/life/feelings of the moment.
2. After posting, the participants will go and sign the Mr. Linky with a direct link to their 3 Word post.
3. Participants are so excited that they will go around and visit other participants (blog exposure ) - I know I am excited!
4. Once the day is over she will compile a list of all the links and will submit it along with a letter to Good Morning America and iCaught - you just never know, we could end up on TV for this!
I'm going to participate, won't you? Start thinking of something. It's just three words!
My 3 Word Project is posted on my A Moment in My Life blog. Check it out!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Susan G Komen & Abortion
Breast Cancer Foe Gives Big $$ to Top Abortion Provider
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation's Link to Abortion
There are many more if you do a search on the web.
I do find it ironic that a foundation that is trying to find a cure for something that can be such a threat to women, is also giving large amounts of money to an organization which not only provides services to kill our children, but also scars women physically and emotionally. I know many will jump to the defense of these organizations saying that Planned Parenthood provides breast cancer screening and other services to help women, however one good does not negate the other. And considering that the largest service they provide is abortions, I find it hard to rationalize the few "good" things they do. Many other worthy organizations can provide tehse services and are more worthy of our money.
Another thing to consider is research supporting a possible link between breast cancer and abortions.
I do want to note that from what I've been able to determine the Breast Cancer Site which I've linked to in my sidebar is not part of the Susan G. Komen foundation nor gives to Planned Parenthood or supports abortion. They do list Susan G. Komen events on the website though.
October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Click Here
I had mentioned recently that when I went home to celebrate my mother's 50th birthday, we played in a Susan G. Komen - Race for the Cure Golf tournament. I'm sure everyone is aware as you now see pink ribbons every where you go, but in case you've not left your house recently - October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
So, in order to do something else to help, I've added the following link to my sidebar. By clicking on this link you can help give free mammograms to women who would not be able to get one otherwise. This is financed through advertising on the website. Some of the items are pretty nice, check them out. If nothing else visit the site daily and Click!
Monday, October 08, 2007
For a little over two years now, I've been part of a house church. We are a group of about 6 families that meet together weekly for fellowship. We eat together, worship together, pray together and study the Word together.
We were all originally part of a traditional church which for financial reasons was no longer able to meet in the way we normally think of a church meeting. At that point in time we had an emphasis on small groups and were studying the way the early church had interacted with one another in the 1st century. The concept of house churches was a natural progression for us. I believe the Lord led us down this path for a reason.
This experience has been more interactive and intimate than what I have every experienced in a traditional setting. We are actively involved in one another's lives outside of church and our children are a part of our worship, prayer and study time. Sometimes they are actually participating with us, other times they are in the other room doing an activity themselves. However they are always very aware of what their parents are doing in regards to fellowship with one another. I cherish this aspect of our church family. And that is what these people have become to me, family.
As I mentioned above, I have received very mixed reactions when I try to explain to others what my "church" is like. Some are really excited by the idea and want to know more. Others have implied I am not going to a "real" church and that I need to start attending a traditional church. They then start telling me about their church and with good intentions invite me to attend with them. And then there have been some that have flat out told me they think it sounds like a cult.
However, I can tell you, in the past 2 years my walk with Lord has grown more than ever before and has become more intimate than ever. I have also developed relationships with other believers which I was never able to develop in a traditional church setting.
I know the type of church I attend may not appeal to everyone and that is fine. The Lord speaks to each of us and puts us on the path He knows is best for us. It just so happens that at this point in my journey, my path leads here.
I have mentioned my House Church is various posts on this blog. Below is one post I made specific to this topic. If you are interested you can read that post. Or feel free to post a comment and ask me any questions you may have.
House Churches
Friday, October 05, 2007
Unequally Yoked
No, I don’t mind sharing. It is not a big secret or anything, I’ve just not really shared about it on here before.
Shaun does believe in God (although when we were first married, I don’t know that he would have admitted to it). He says that the Big Bang Theory and evolution don’t logically make sense when you think about it. However, he believes we were created by “something” (probably God) who then walked away and has left us on our own. He believes you have to make your own way in the world and spending time in prayer and study of the Bible is a waste of time.
When we were first talking about having kids (about 5 years into our marriage) he was very adamant that he wanted them making up their own mind about religion and did not want the going to church with me (I had just come back to the Lord at that point and attending church). However, once we had children he started to change his mind. Then when our daughter was old enough to start school he decided that he did not want her in public school. He does not agree with some things the public schools (especially in CA) teach. It is kind of funny that we have many of the same values, although for different reasons. In the end, after talking to our daycare provider (who is a Christian) he made the suggestion that we put her in a private Christian School. We both really love the school, although he does not agree with some of the things they teach about God. But he is willing to overlook these things because he knows they are teaching her the same values we are at home and he knows the things about God she is learning, I am teaching her anyway. He figures it does not harm her and so as long as we don't push it on him, he is fine.
Sometimes I get frustrated because as my walk gets more initimate with the Lord and He becomes more and more a part of my everyday life, I feel I cannot share some of these important things with my husband. But when I look over the 12 years we've been together I can see that the Lord is working on him. I just keep praying for him and trying to show him the love of Christ through my life (which I must say I fail at miserably at times!)
In the end, I love my husband dearly and know the Lord has put him in my life for a reason. God has used my husband to teach me alot over the past few years and I know there is still more to come. I'll keep praying over him and asking the Lord to open his heart and I'll keep doing my best (through Christ's power) to love him the way the Lord wants me to love him.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Spiritually Unequal Marriage
My walk with the Lord has become much more intimate in the past months and I believe the enemy is very unhappy with that. So he attacks where he knows it will hurt the most, through my marriage. We've had some pretty rocky times in the past 2 years. Sometimes it is not something we are necessarily going through together. It is something I'm going through and dealing with because of things God has been showing me. My husband in some cases has no idea of the feelings of hopelessness I may be feeling. At other times he may realize I'm upset, but has no idea as to why. Since our views on God and His role in our lives are not the same, I'm not able to even begin to explain to him how I feel or why.
One thing I'm learning is that many times my expectations of my husband are not realistic. Especially considering he does not know the Lord. I struggle in my walk with the Lord and being the person I should be. If I do that while in an intimate relationship with my Lord, how much harder must it be for my beloved when he does not know Jesus?
I've been praying lately for the Lord to show me my husband through His eyes. To enable me to love him the way God does. When we go through things, the Lord is slowly showing me how to react to the situation in a way that shows my husband the love of Christ. Instead of reacting the way I want to (lashing back at him), God is showing me how to love my husband through ALL things. I just have to remember to turn to Him in those times. I still mess up alot, but I'm finding it is getting to be easier for me to go to God instead of being disappointed in my husband for expectations he cannot fulfill.
". . .and if you call out for insight and cry alound for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."
~Proverbs 2:3-5
The Bible says if we seek out the Lord and his wisdom, He will give it to us. That is what I've been doing lately.
Yesterday I "stumbled" onto a site called Spiritually Unequal Marriage. I believe the Lord led me to this blog for encouragement in my walk with Him, in my marriage and most of all in those times when things seem so dark and hopeless. This blog is definitely being used by the Lord to touch others. Even if you are not in an unequally yoked marriage, you can find inspiriation from this site and I encourage you to visit it.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Mathetes Award - Excellence in Discipleship

The Rules: In the spirit of this award, the rules are simple. Winners of this award must pick five other “disciples” to pass it on to. As you pass it on, mention and provide links for:
(1) Dan King of Management by God as the originator of the award.
(2) The person that awarded it to you.
(3) Name and sites of the five that you believe are fulfilling the role of a disciple of Christ.
I've not been online lately as much as I used to be or as much as I'd like. I've nominated many of the same individuals for various awards in the past so this time I'm nominating five blogs that are new to me or ones that I've found awhile back, but have not been visiting regularly until recently.
Holy Experience - I was recently introduced to this blog by a good friend of mine and have already found it full of inspiration. Ann's posts are an amazing testimony of how living a life with God as your focus can be fulfilling through everything that comes your way. She is a great example to others, an inspiration and definitely loves the Lord.
Praise Fiddler - This is a blog I've not visited as often as I should. She speaks of her beliefs and the Lord without shame. I believe this is a blog that touches anyone who reads it.
Titus 2 Heart - This is another blog I've recently found. From what I've read thus far I can see the heart of God in this blog. This is a blog I will continue to read and I recommend it to you as well.
Christian Working Mom - This is a blog I find very helpful in my walk. I myself am a Christian mother who works full time outside the home and this blog is one that I believe is touching many women who are in this situation. I know firsthand how sometimes the church (most times unintentionally) can be discouraging and cause guilt for women working outside the home. I find this blog inspiring.
An Help Meet for Him - This is another blog I recently discovered. I am constantly seeking to better understand God's view of my role as a wife to my wonderful husband. Especially in light of the fact that he is not a believer. This blog encourages me with ideas of how I can be a better wife to my husband and a better example of Christ's love.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Expectations Kill Relationships
Cup - Expectations kill relationships
(Thanks Julia!)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Fear of the Lord in the Psalms
1. Lack nothing (34:9)
2. Angel of the Lord surrounds and delivers (34:7)
3. The Lord confides in and makes His covenant known (25:14)
4. Great goodness is stored up and bestowed (31:19)
5. They eyes of the Lord are on them (33:18)
6. Salvation is near to them (85:9)
7. He has great love for them (103:11)
8. His love is with them from everlasting to everlasting and His righteousness is with their children's children (103:17)
9. H provides food for them, compassion and grace, He remembers His covenant forever (111:4-5)
10. He will bless them (115:13)
11. He who fears the Lord is blessed (128:4)
12. He fulfills their desires, He hears their cries and saves them (145:19)
This coming weekend I'll also be sharing with you a little bit about a study that a friend of mine is doing and has been gracious enough to share with me. I believe it all ties into what I'm already studying now and I'm very excited about what I'm learning from it! I also have some verses from Proverbs and elsewhere regarding the Fear of the Lord that I think are very meaningful that I'll share.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fear of the Lord or Fear of Man
I learned today that in some ways I'm not even close to fearing God the way I should. Instead I fear man. I fear what those around me think of me and I fear truely sharing who God is to me with others. Today I was put in a situation where I risked looking foolish to those around me in order to obey my Lord. I've known about needing to do this for two days now, but a part of me was trying to figure out a way to avoid the situation. I was trying to justify a way to get out of it, so I would not look foolish to others and so I could feel like I was doing God's will at the same time
Just before the time to do what I needed to do, God revealed to me my mindset. At that moment it was so obvious to me what I had been doing, but before that point I honestly had no idea!
I started praying for the Lord to help me to fear Him and to obey Him, instead of being so worried about what others may say about me or think of me. I sit here and say I love God, that I will obey Him, even die for my beliefs if necessary, but I was afraid of someone looking at me strangely today. The logic is so twisted.
I can't say that when I prayed my mindset totally shifted and I did what God required of me without a second thought. I still had that little voice in my head saying "Those people are going to think you are weird! Your boss is not going to respect you any longer. She'll think you're a quack!" However, God gave me peace and gave me the strength to push past that and do as He wanted me to do. In the end the feeling of obeying God felt wonderful. It was like I could see Him up there smiling at me saying "There you go Angela. One step closer to who I want you to become!"
Recently I heard someone say that everyone says they are willing to sacrifice for the Lord, but they are thinking of sacrificing money, time or their lives. Not that those things are bad, they are not. However, many times (especially in our society) what God is asking us to do is to be different, to do something new. That means standing for Him. I'm not talking about a "I'm in your face" kind of stand. What I mean is standing for Him in such as way that others will see you as foolish. Standing for Him in a way that humbles you, because you have totally set aside your pride and are concerning yourself with what He wants, not how others will see you. Does that make sense?
1 Corinthian 1:18 - 20
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written:
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate. Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
1 Corinthians 3:18-19
Stop deceiving yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Fear of the Lord - My Thoughts
So I’m going to keep pursuing this. So far, I’ve not really answered my questions. Instead I’m just fanning the flames of my desire to know God more and delve in deeper. I guess in the end that is how it is supposed to work anyway. God created us to desire romance and He wants us to love Him and pursue Him as He has done with us.
So the chase is on!
Someone mentioned recently that Jesus was very clear that He only did what the Father told Him to do. But do you notice that unlike us He did not have to plead with God constantly to show Him the answer, to tell Him what the right path was? He was so in tune with God, that He knew what God wanted without all the pleading we do.
Now I’m not saying that we should stop asking God for guidance and to speak to us. What I’m saying is my goal is to become so intimate with God that hopefully one day I won’t have to plead with Him to reveal Himself to me anymore. It will be a constant connection. That is what God desires with us, we just get distracted and disconnect.
Now I know you may be saying, “But Jesus was God, so of course He knew what the Father wanted Him to do.” But I believe scripture tells us that although Jesus is God, He is also distinct. It is hard for us to wrap our minds around that concept, but if we could easily do so, we would be able to know the thoughts of God and personally I prefer a God who is much smarter and more capable than myself!
Jesus humbled Himself when He came to earth and while He was God, He was also man. He said we would do greater works than Him when the Helper came (Holy Spirit). So why not this as well? Now I’m not saying I’ll ever get to this point, but it doesn’t hurt to dive in and try to get that close to God.
The other day when we were talking about the Fear of the Lord at my house church I wrote these words and this verse in my notebook that I’m going to share with all of you today. In the coming days I’ll share more scriptures, but if you are interested I encourage you to get a concordance and start looking up the fear of the Lord yourselves.
Seek out, cry out for the fear of the Lord!
Proverbs 2: 3-5“. . . and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”
Monday, September 24, 2007
Righteousness and Fear of the Lord
One thing the two of us have been discussing lately, is the true meaning of things we’ve heard all our lives. Do we truly understand them? For example, one thing we both talked about was righteousness. We’ve heard this word all our lives in church, but do we really know exactly what this means? What does being righteous entail? Is there a difference between how man defines this and God?
That has led us both in a search to better understand righteousness based on God’s word and we are both delving into this and sharing each week what we’ve come up with based on our Bible study and prayer time with God.
At the same time, our house church has started a search we believe is related. As we were discussing things with the children, one of them asked what the “Fear of the Lord” was and none of us had a real good answer. We decided we would all do some searching and share what we deteremined the next week. We came up with lots of good stuff and determined in the end that we still do not fully understand it, but we do believe it is the key to truly knowing the Lord and walking in His ways.
I believe these two concepts go hand in hand. I’m not exactly sure how yet, but I believe they are related: Righteousness and the Fear of the Lord.
Many of the verses we found regarding the Fear of the Lord were in Psalms and Proverbs. There were also other scattered throughout the Bible as well. I’ll share some of the verses with you shortly. If you have any comments of your own I would love to hear them!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Tired & Stressed
But the good news is, we can learn something new in all these experiences. I'm learning to rely on God and not so much on myself. For once, there is absolutely no way I can do what is needed in my own power and I'm learning to let go. I'm learning to put my focus on my Lord and rely on Him to get me through the day. I am starting to get a glimpse of what it means to do all things through Him.
I'm very tired right now as I write this, but while the stress is still there I am not overwhelmed. My house church prayed for me last Tuesday because I was near a breakdown. Since then, God has been good to remind me where my focus should be when I start to get overwhelmed. He'll send me little things such as a meeting or an email through a friend which reminds me that this work is not what life is all about. The most important thing is for me to walk with Him in all I do.
I'm so thankful that God is so gracious and that He cares enough to use this time which could be very overwhelming to be a time of getting to know Him better and even a time of peace.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Top Momma

I'm a Top Momma! Visit this link and click on the picture of Austin that looks like this. . .

That will keep me on top at Top Mommas!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
House Churches
Some of you who read my blog already know that I attend a "house church" instead of a traditional church. I've grown alot in the past almost 2 years now since we started meeting in this way. My relationship with those in my church family has become more intimate and meaningful. More importantly, my relationship with God has deepened and therefore my walk with Him and my obedience to Him.
This morning I was listening to Air1 and the news segement had a short blurb on a how house churches are growing. It was very short, but I found it very interesting. Tonight I got on their website to check it out and found the original article the news blurb was based on.
Here it is for your reading pleasure if you are interested.
There's no place like home, these Christians say
I found it very interesting, especially considering I've fellowshiping and worshiping in this way for almost 2 years now.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Church of Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)
* Love & faith
* Service
* Perseverance
* Doing more than before
* Tolerate the Spirit of Jezebel
(It does mention that there are some who do not hold to Jezebel's teachings)
My Notes:
Jesus has some very harsh things to say about the woman Jezebel and what will happen if the church does not repent.
* Cast on a bed of suffering
* Those who comitt adultery with her will suffer intensely
* Will strike her children dead
God searches our hearts and minds.
I've heard of the Spirit of Jezebel before. Originally I had thought it only had to do with sexual immorality, but recently I've been learning this is more of a spirit of control. This makes sense in a way because many use their sexuality as a means of gaining control over others. And I've noticed sexual sins tend to have a greater control over us than any others when we fall into them.
Jezebel was an actual character in the Old Testaement (1 & 2 Kings) who persecuted God's prophets. The evil which possessed her was in existence prior to her, however due to the extent it manifested itself in her, these spirits have become known by her name. This is a spirit which is still very active in the world today and unfortunately seems to be overly present in our country. In some cases the results of this spirit are not only tolerated, they are wholly accepted and encouraged.
Here are a few articles I found regarding the Spirit of Jezebel if you are interested in learning more. Please note, I don't always agree fully with the articles I recommend, however I believe it is good to look into these things and bring them to God in prayer and compare them to His Word. I also believe this is a spirit we all need to be aware of in our world today.
Jezebel - The Latter Rain page
Jezebel in our Society
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I Dig Jesus
I was tagged by my friend Melly at A Cup of Tea With Me
Here are the Rules:
* Those Tagged will share 5 things they dig about Jesus.
* Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
* Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their name so that others can read them.
5 Things “I Dig” about Jesus:
1. He died for all of us, but even better, He would have still done it if He knew it would have only saved me. I know I am his favorite (yes, so are you, but I keep telling myself I am!) He is so awesome that we can all be His favorite.
2. Jesus knows me better than anyone (probably even better than I know myself) yet He still loves me more than anyone else ever could. He loved me before I was born and will love me long after I'm gone from this world. I am His Princess.
3. He is ever faithful and true. I know that no matter what He will always be there for me. Even when I can not feel His presence, I know He is there with me. No matter what happens on this earth I know that He will never betray me.
4. He is my Hope! I know He holds me in His hands and will never let me fall. Even when I don't understand, I can have faith that He knows what is going to happen, He is the victor in the end and His plans for me are the best things that could ever happen to me.
5. He is RICH!!! I know that there is nobody richer than Jesus and He wants to give me more than I could ever even imagine. Of course, sometimes in my limited knowledge I don't realize that His riches are best, but in the end His gifts are the best I could ever receive!
Tag, you're IT!!!
1. Becki at Vote for Becki
2. Shauna at Pass the Chocolate
3. Dana at Life Turned Upside Down
4. Angela at Domestic Divapolooza
5. Practical Chick
Monday, July 09, 2007
Church of Pergamum (Revelation 2:12 - 17)
* They live in a town ruled by Satan but still remain true to Jesus
* They do not renounce Jesus or their faith in Him. They boldly speak of and share their faith.
* Tolerate in their midst those who worship Balaam and entice others to sin, idolatry, sexual immorality.
* Have those who follow the teachings of Nicolaitans.
My Notes
When reading the praises what immediately came to mind was a church who is faithful in cities that are considered to be "sin cities" in America. To me San Francisco and Las Vegas came to mind.
Based on the rebukes, my initial impression is this is a church who teaches the love of Christ boldly, but not the righteousness, holiness or obedience of Christ which is expected of followers. Liberal Churches that tolerate and/or condone (sometimes encourage) sin in it's followers lives seem to parallel this church. The Grace of the Savior is taught in a way that everything is acceptable. Unfortunately I believe there are many churches in America that teach this now, and even more troublesome is the appearance that the number is growing.
I find it very interesting that Jesus specifically mentions that this church follows the teachings on the Nicolaitans. These are the practices He made a point of commending the Church of Ephesus for hating. So I did a bit of research on these teachings. It appears there is no definitive documentation of what exactly these teaching were. However, I noted two themes in my research. One was that the teachings were very liberal to the point that paganistic rituals were considered to be acceptable as part of the teachings of Jesus. These individuals lived their lives to excess in all they did. The other theme I found was those who taught the church required a heirarchy for others to grow in Christ. The clergy were elevated above the rest of the Believers, instead of being considered servants to the body as Jesus taught.
For more research of your own visit these sites and/or do some research of your own. It is very interesting.
The Teaching of the Nicolatians
THE NICOLAITANS – an alternative view
Nicolaitans - Wikipedia Definition
The bottom line for me is that our God is a Holy and Righteous God as well as a Merciful and Loving God. Unfortunately, many churches and Believers tend to emphasize one of these characteristics to the extreme and to the detriment of the other. However, we have to remember God is both! Therefore, we need to keep a balance between the two as well. I believe the key to this is being in constast communication with the Lord through a relationship with Him that includes prayer, being in His Word and fellowship with others.
Monday, July 02, 2007
I Need You To Love Me
BarlowGirl - I Need You To Love Me
From the album Another Journal Entry
Why, why are You still with me?
Didn't You see what I've done?
In my shame I want to run and hide myself
But it's here I see the truth
I don't deserve You
But I need You to love me, and I
I won't keep my heart from You this time
And I'll stop this pretending that I can
Somehow deserve what I already have
I need You to love me
I, I have wasted so much time
Pushing You away from me
I just never saw how much You could cherish me
Cuz You're a God who has all things
And still You want me
Your love makes me forget what I have been
Your love makes me see who I really am
Your love makes me forget what I have been
Label: Provident Music Distribution
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Church of Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11)
* Although afflicted and in poverty they are rich (in Jesus)
* They are slandered
* They will (and have) suffered jail and persecution, Satan will come against them
* They will be tested, but Jesus encourages them to stay faithful, even to death.
* He will give them a Crown of Life
My Notes:
I find it interesting that the things Jesus praises this church for all revolve around how they are persecuted by others. They obviously are following the Lord and not the world. I can not find one thing that Jesus rebukes them for.
I truely do not believe that we find this church in America today. This is not to say that some of us don't suffer for our beliefs or we would not be willing to die for our beliefs. We definitely do, but not to the extent that this church did back then. This reminds me of the persecuted church in other countries where it truely takes faith and trust in God to follow Him because it is a reality that you likely will lose your life for Him.
On the other hand though, I think we need to prepare for this. I believe one day soon we very well may be living through things like this. I believe we are heading down that path now. It is just a matter of time. We need to be ready so we can truely say it is a Joy for us to suffer for Christ.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
God speaks through our Children

So she obeyed. It is amazing how God can speak to us even through our own children. Maybe that is easier for Him at times, because they are more trusting and obedient to Him. My daughter did what He asked without questioning it at all. Myself and many adults I know would worry about whether it was really God who spoke or was it just in my head? Will I look stupid? and so on and so on.
Just another way we need to become as the little children to know Him better!
More on the 7 churches & the Ephesus Church
What I am writing is what God is revealing to me right now, which is why I encourage everyone else to read these letters. Jesus wrote these to the churches and they were included in God's Word for us to learn from them. God's Word is to point us to our Lord and a deeper relationship with Him.
He specifically pointed out items for which he praised and rebuked each church. I don't believe anything in God's Word is insignificant. I want to know what a letter to my church would say if God was to write one. For what things would He say "Well done, good and faithful servant" and for what things would He say "No, the path is here, come this way."
With that being said, my notes being posted on each of these letters is just the surface of what God is teaching me at this point in my life. I do believe that we can not pinpoint each of these "churches" to our churches now, because I believe we all have a little bit of each in us. However, I do believe we can draw parallels to our day and from that learn where God is pleased with us and where we may need to make some changes.
I do not believe that good deeds, righteousness and holiness are bad things. Exactly the opposite. However, I do believe we must be careful to ensure when we do these things our focus must be on God and our reasons must be because we love the Lord. It is very easy to start doing these things because we think it is what is required to "please" God or because we think we are more righteous than someone else. Our focus in ALL we do must be God. He made it very clear in His Word that we must be holy and righteous, but He also made it very clear that all our good deeds done for the wrong reason are detestable in His sight.
So with that I will continue to share with you what God has revealed to me about these seven churches. My notes at the end are to help me put what He is teaching me in more perspective for myself. To make something kind of abstract more concrete in my own mind. I love the church in the US, however I am also realistic in recognizing we have a lot of problems. I can't change the entire church in the US, but I can change myself and my little personal church that I am part of. If each of us was to do so, imagine what would happen in this country!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Church of Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)
With each church I’ll post the scripture reference, a list of the praises Jesus bestowed on them (if any), a list of the rebukes Jesus gave them (if any) and then my notes.
As I’m reading these, God is revealing little things to me about each church and what that church may look like in today’s world. He may not reveal the same things to you, so I encourage you to join me in my study. Please comment on what you are getting from these letters Jesus wrote to His Church.
Church of Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)
* Good deeds, hard work & perseverance
* Do not tolerate wickedness
* Reveal false prophets
* Have persevered and endured hardship for Jesus’ name
* Have not grown weary
* Have forsaken their first love
* Need to repent and do things they used to
My Notes:
Have they become too caught up in rules, traditions and good deeds that they’ve lost their intimacy with God? Have they lost that burning desire to know Him more?
This reminds me of the many legalistic churches in the US which are so focused on rituals, traditions, rules etc that they loose sight of what it really is to have a relationship with Christ. It is what most think of when they think of religion. It is why I explain to people I am not "religious", I just have a relationship that I'm continuously developing with my Savior/God. It is easy to loose sight of our "first love" though and get caught up in the "deeds". This is a good reminder of where our focus should be.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
7 Churches in Revelation
So based on this I have been reading these two chapters and journaling my initial impression of each of these churches. What does Jesus praise them for? What does Jesus rebuke them for? Do I see these "churches" in our world today?
I'm going to be sharing this with you in the next few posts. I won't be using any commentaries or any other books/notes on these two chapters. You will just get what I get from reading and praying about these. I hope you'll join me and comment on what you get out of them as well.
Another thing Juan talked about which we'll be doing and I encourage you to do is to ask yourself a few questions:
Which church am I/my church most like?
If Jesus was to write a letter to my church, what would he say?
What would he praise us for?
What would he rebuke us for?
I think these are very important questions. I encourage you to read these two chapters, meditate on them and pray about them. Open yourself to the message God has for you and take it to heart. Make the necessary changes to step into His destiny for you. I won't necessarily be sharing all of this with you, but you can be assured myself and my house church are going to be asking ourselves these questions and making changes where the Lord instructs us to.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Free Bible Commentary Links
Today I have two resources I use that I wanted to share. If you have others, please feel free to share.
e-Sword at
This is actually a free Bible software program that you can download onto your computer. Once downloaded you can add Bible Commentaries and tons of other tools. There are certain versions and tools that do require payment, but you can get tons of stuff for no charge.
I like this tool because I have it on my laptop at all times. Therefore, if I am somewhere and do not have internet access I can still access this. You can also sent up a Bible reading schedule for yourself, take notes and highlight items directly in the program.
Study Light Free Commentaries at
This is a wonderful resource which includes many different commentaries. Each one listed has a short summary about the commentary. Once you choose one you can choose the book you want and then the chapter you are wanting. Some are verse by verse commentaries.
This is the resource I'm using alot right now for my study. I'm doing Romans and I've chosen two commentaries and print one chapter at a time to keep in the front pocket of my Study Note (Ang4him Romans Commentary) notebook.
As I mentioned, if you have any good resources for free bible commentaries, please share!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Bible Study
The first way is to read 10 chapters a day. Set aside 30 - 60 minutes at least in order to be able to read and focus on what you are reading. By doing this you can get through the New Testament once every month. Can you imagine what God could show you by reading the New Testament once a month?!
The second way is to study a book of the Bible, one at a time. Mike suggests choosing your top 10 books and determining an order. This enables you to focus. He calls this your "juicy" list. Then he suggests you find two commentaries. There are a lot of free commentaries online that you can use. (I'll share some I've found in one of my future posts). You don't have to be picky, these will just assist you along the way. Also, get a notebook. Basically when you are done you will have a commentary of your own. I'm labeling my notebooks "Ang4him Commentary of ____"
In order to get the most out of this you need your study time to be consistent and scheduled. Set your study times and protect them. (I'm still working on this but it gets easier with time).
1. Choose one paragraph/section at a time to read. Note: you will not get through a book quickly, however you will really be diving into God's Word and building a relationship with Him.
2. Read the commentaries on this section after you've read the section in the Bible. While reading the commentaries, highlight ideas that excite you.
3. Notebook -
a. list at the top the section you are reading (ie. Romans 1:1-7).
b. Title - write the Title for the section in your own words (these may be wordy at first, don't worry about it) - Don't use the commentary's title - think about it yourself!
4. Write notes from the commentary. Try to paraphrase the ideas you've highlighted in the commentaries. Or you can write them word for word. Writing things down helps us to absorb and focus on the ideas. Then write in your own words a summary of what the section is teaching you, what it is about, etc. Ask yourself who, what, where, when, how & why?
5. Journal/prayer: Ask the Lord to do to your life/heart what the passage speaks of (if applicable).
Both of these study methods appeal to me for different reasons. So I've decided to do both. Obviously trying to do both at once is too much, especially at first and I'm setting myself up to fail. So I'm going to alternate. I'll take a book of the Bible to study first (I've chosen Romans) then once I'm done, I'll switch to reading 10 chapters a day for a couple months. I'll let you know how it goes. If you decide to do one of these I'd love to hear from you.
I'll post a listing of free online commentaries in the next couple days.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Where AM I?
I'll miss all of you!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Goals, Dreams & Ideals
In fact one of the things the Mike Bickle talk I was listening to spoke of is how when he was about 18 or 19, he wrote down what his goals in life were. He wrote down a short list of things he wanted to be known for when he died.
A few months ago Juan had talked about this schedule and led us all through an exercise where we wrote down what we wanted to be known for when we were 50. At the time none of this sunk in. I guess I was not ready for it yet. Now I've been thinking about all of this again and I think this meme fits in.
In the past I would have said I wanted to be known as a famous author, someone everyone looked to for answers because of my knowledge, a successful business woman, but now those things don't mean much to me anymore.
Here are my Goals, Dreams & Ideals. I'm making one list because I think they are all very interwined just as Laura states in her post.
1. I want to be known as a woman of God, who loved Him with everything that I posesses. But more importantly, even if nobody else ever sees this in me I want to follow God in everything and live a full life in Him. I want to step into the promises He has for me. I want to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant!" when I stand before my God.
2. I want to be known as a loving and faithful wife. I want to be seen as a woman who loved her husband just as our vows said. Just as God has loved us, I want to love my husband. I want to be a godly wife who supports my husband. I truely want to be a Proverbs 31 wife to my husband.
Proverbs 31:10 - 12
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
Read the entire Proverbs 31 chapter.
3. I want to be a loving and nuturing mother who raises my children in the ways of the Lord. A mother who always looks for what is best for them and teaches them the greatness of our Lord and Savior.
4. A loyal and loving friend. I want to be the seen by my friends, my church family, as someone who is transparent with them. I may not always have it together and I'm honest with them about that. We lean on one another, pray for one another and encourage one another. I want to be a friend who speaks boldly in love when it is needed, who forgives when needed and and most importantly, who is humble enough to ask forgiveness when it is necessary.
Those are my dreams, goals and ideals. They are in that order: God, Husband, Children, Family/Friends. I know the only way I can ever attain these is to put my trust and my life in God's hands. I need to fully step into what he has laid out for me and not look to the cares of this world. It will be a tough journey and I know I'll fail at times. But I also know He loves me and if I turn back to Him, He will take my hand and lead me back onto the right path. In the end, it will be more than worth it! Nothing else will ever fulfill me, only His path for me can do that!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
40 Days for 40 Years

by Lou Engle
Conversely the great prophet Ezekiel received a 40-day prayer assignment for a 40-year failure of Judah’s iniquity. “Lie again on your right side, then you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah, 40 days I have laid on you a day for each year.” (Ezekiel 4:6) It was clearly 40 days prayer for 40 years of failure.