Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy

Saturday, April 7th is my Father's Birthday, so I'm posting a special post today in honor of this man who has had a huge role in making me who I am today. I am a daddy's girl and want my Dad to know how very much I love him and appreciate all he has done for me over the years. He has always been a comfort to me and always been there when I needed him.

In fact, when I was pregnant the first time, my husband insisted my daddy be there when I was in labor. He was not sure how well I would handle it and knew my dad was the one person who would be able to calm me down if I needed it.

Thank you daddy for everything!

In honor of your birthday, I've added a playlist to my blog with some of my favorite Father/Daugther songs. It is on my sidebar and should have started playing when you came to this page. Unfortunately, my side bar is not wide enough for it, but it does not work in the actual post so it will have to do for now. You can click on the Launch StandAlone Player button if you'd like to open a new window with just my playlist or visit Ang4him Father & Daughter's Playlist

Also, your beautiful granddaughter Tyler (a daddy's princess just like her mommy) has drawn you a special picture. Sorry about revealing your age! She is learning her number "families" and wanted to know how old you were. In case you did not know you are in the Fifty Family!

P.S. The top picture on this post is one of my favorite pictures of my Daddy & Me. It was taken at the 4th of July parade in 1975.

1 comment:

Johnny said...

That is a great picture of you and your Dad.

I love my little girl so much, and as much as she's a Daddy's girl, I am a Daughter's Dad.
