Now if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach; and it will be given to him. ~James 1:5
Monday, April 30, 2007
I've been reviewed!
Check out the review she did and while you're there browse her blog. I've found some really good stuff there.
Thank you, Sandy!
Productivity Secrets
This meme was started by Ben Yoskovitz over at The Instigator Blog and I must say, following the links/tags back resulted in some great ideas I could use! Maybe you can too!
Lisa shared about how she utilizes Google calendar to organize her day. I'd not even heard of that one!
Gayla over at MomGadget wrote about her love for spreadsheets! We must be twins! I not only love spreadsheets and like to design them, I also use them for all sorts of things. First I use them at work for everything. And I don't mean some plain jane spreadsheet. That is where my creativity shines at work (since it is not allowed much in Accounting!) Mine have to look nice as well as be functional. I use them for tracking weight loss including pretty charts (I need to get back on that one), I track my expenses and earnings from my Uppercase Living side job and I've designed some for my husband's business as well. I just got a thought to do some for my kids! A chores chart and a potty chart would be perfect!
I suggest linking back to both of these blogs just to check out the great stuff they've written and to see what other great productivity ideas they shared!
So now, back to me. I would have to say my best productivity secret is keeping my workspace clean. I don't know about you, but I get really stressed when things around me are scattered everywhere. I've worked with plenty of individuals who seem to thrive on the mess, but I am not one of them. This is not to say that my house is all nice and neat (come on, I have three small children!), however my desk at work is kept neat. I don't go over board with organizing stuff, but I do at least keep papers and other stuff in labeled files, or in organized NEAT stacks on my desk. I do the same on my computer. I have clearly labeled files on my computer and in my email so I can easily find whatever I am looking for!
Now, it is time to tag someone else!
Becki at BlogMommas & Blogging Obesession - I know of at least three blogs that I visit regularly that you keep up consistently and I believe there are even more out there. How do you do it!?!?
Toni at Special K Family - You always seem to have it all together. How do you do it?
MJS4him at A Cup of Tea with Me and Faith Filled Wives - You juggle alot and I'm always impressed. What is your secret?
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Tabernacle Experience - Altar of Incense
What I find most meaningful regarding this altar is that the smoke was to represent the prayers of the people, rising up to God's ears.
May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
~Psalm 141:2
The priests were considered to be mediators between the people and God. They would bring the prayers of the people before the presence of God.
Leviticus 1:9 tells of how the aroma's from the sacrifices (including the incense) was a pleasing fragrance to the Lord. So just imagine when you pray that your prayers rise up to God as a pleasing aroma to Him. Remember, He is not a genie here to grant your every wish and desire. Our prayers are how we can connect with our God, spirit to spirit. It pleases Him when we pray to Him.
Friday, April 27, 2007
There Were Two Trees in the Garden - Chapter 2
I've actually ordered my own copy of the book so I can mark it up all I want. I truely believe this will be one of those books I'll keep and reread once a year at least.
If you want to look it up for yourself here is the information:
There Were Two Trees in the Garden
by Rick Joyner
ISBN: 1-929371-55-1
The last excerpt I shared with you was from chapter 1 - The Two Trees.
Today I will share a couple excerpts from chapter 2 that spoke to me. Chapter 2 is called The Seed of Cain.
Sin is not just a few wrong things we have done, it is the nature of what we are, regardless of whether the guise is good or evil. In Christ, to repent means to renounce all that we are - not only our transgressions, but also that which we consider to be our righteousness.
This chapter deals with works and self-righteousness. It goes into detail regarding how Cain's offering of grain which was not accepted by the Lord was an attempt to please God by works. Anything we do on our own, even good, is based in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan uses not only evil to accomplish his purposes, but also good. If we are not focused on God and His purpose, we are living by our own power and this is not pleasing to the Lord. We must make a choice between the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Satan and this world) and the Tree of Life (Jesus).
This chapter uses Paul as an example as well. In Phillipians 3:2-9, Paul clearly states that all he did prior to knowing Jesus was for nothing. He admits all the righteousness he had then was of himself and worth nothing compared to the righteousness God gives us through His son. Even though his intentions were good and he was following the Law, he was not truely holy and righteous in the eyes of the Lord because these things were based on him and his efforts, not on God. This book does not say that the Law is not valid anymore as some teach, however it does clearly teach that the Law in and of itself will not save us. Instead it reveals to us how much we need God.
Paul's righteousness based on the Law brought him into direct conflict with the Truth. He was a persecutor of true worshipers, as is everyone who tries to live by the Law. Just as Cain could not tolerate Abel, those who seek to stand by their own righteousness find the presence of those who stand by faith in Jesus intolerable. The righteouness of God, based completely on the atonement of the cross, strips away facades and lays bare the pride of man which would seek to stand on its own righteousness. The cross is the greatest threat to man's self-centeredness.
Answers from the Front Lines (Iraq)
This is a great opportunity to find out how someone who is in the middle of things feels about the war instead of just hearing about it on the news with the media's slant.
Thinking Blogger Again!

I want to say thank you to Becki at A Walk through the Valley for another nomination. I don't think anyone from my last nomination has carried this award forward yet so I'm going to nominate each of them again.
1. Flock's Diner - Jonathan has great posts about Christianity's Jewish roots and whether you agree with what he has posted or not, it will get you to thinking! He is always up for a good discussion.
2. Angela's Right to Free Speech - Angela is not afraid to tell it from her point of view. She definitely thinks for herself and is not afraid to share her thoughts!
3. Nutter's Notes - This blog belongs to one of the few bloggers I actually know outside of cyberspace. His Happy Ups definitely get you thinking. First, we should all practice this and second, reading some of the reasons he is happy/thankful each day makes you realize how much we take for granted.
4. Work at Home Mom Revolution - Great blog with wonderful ideas. This blog gives me great ideas as to how someday I may be able to be a work at home mom. At least part time if not full time!
5. Faith Filled Wives - This is a great blog for all wives. MJS4Him tackles that "ugly" word of submission that so many Christian women avoid. Thank you for the courage to write about what we all need to hear, but many are afraid to talk about. It is a very misunderstood subject and she has great things that make you think about how you can become the wife God wants you to be for your husband.
1. If and only if you are tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award with a link to the post that you wrote.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Something to Think About - (There were Two Trees)
It has been a couple weeks now and I've realized this is a very powerful book. I've been reading it quite a bit but have not gotten past the first chapter yet. It has so much in it that I am trying to absorb and really pray and think on, that I've read this first chapter about five times now.
I'll definitely be doing a review on my Ang4him Reviews page when I'm done, but in the meantime I wanted to share a few excerpts from the first chapter.
"The Bible is a most precious and wonderful gift from the Lord to His people, but it was not meant to take the place of the Lord Himself or the Spirit whom He sent. The Bible is a means, not an end. Knowing the Book of the Lord is not our primary goal, but rather to know the Lord of the Book. As wonderful a gift as the Bible is, it is not God. If it supplants the place of the Lord in our lives, it has actually become an idol."
This really got me to thinking. It is good to pursue knowledge of God, especially through His Word, but it is very easy lose sight of the real reason why we do this. We should be doing it not to gain more knowledge for the sake of knowledge or to build ourselves up, but to deepen our relationship with the Lord.
This chapter goes into what the two trees in the garden were and what they represented. It warns of us losing sight of God and getting too hung up in the Law. We look at how the Pharisees acted during Jesus' time and will condem them for legalism, however we've done the same thing in many ways. We are just as guilty of taking God's Word and losing sight of Him. We start to give more focus to the rules and traditions than to the relationship we were made for.
There is a ditch on either side of the path of life. On one side there is legalism. On the other side is lawlessness. Both lead to death. If we tend to be reactionary, we will usually react to one of these ditches too much so that we end up in the one on the other side. God's answer to lawlessness is not legalism, but rather the cross. If we seek to be justified by the works of the Law, we are turning our backs on God's provision - the cross. If we turn from legalism without going to the cross, we will end up in lawlessness, one of the greatest evils to come upon the world in the last days.
Maybe these excerpts will give you some food for thought and for prayer. I'll be starting chapter two soon and will probably be sharing more, if the rest of the books is anything like the first chapter.
The Tabernacle Experience - The Table and the Bread
Make a table of acacia wood. . .Overlay it with pure gold and make a gold molding around it. . . and make its plates and dishes of pure gold, as well as its pitchers and bowls for the pouring out of offerings. Put the bread of the Presence on this table to be before me at all times.
~Exodus 25:23-24, 29-30
Inside the Holy Place, just outside the Most Holy Place, was a table on which sat the items used for the pouring out of sacrifices. On this table also sat twelve loaves of bread. They were called the Bread of Presence because of their nearness to the Most Holy Place and therefore standing in the presence of God. These twelve loaves represented the twelve tribes of Israel and the union they shared with God.
One important thing to note is the Jewish culture in this time believed two lives were bound together by sharing a common meal. This is why the bread being set out before the Lord on the tables at all times represented the bond between Israel and God. In addition, bread is a symbol of life in the Jewish culture. The twelve loaves offered to God each Sabbath acknowledged their dependence on Him in their lives.
This understanding bring deeper meaning to Jesus' statement of "I am the bread of life" (John 6:35) It also brings deeper meaning to communion. In 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Paul talks of communion being a participation in the body of Christ because we all partake of one loaf. We become on body. By taking communion with our fellow believers we are bound to our Lord and to one another into one body.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Thinking Blogger

What do you know! Someone actually finds my ramblings to be intellectually stimulating.
Seriously though, I want to say thank you to Rebecca at Blogging Obession for nominating me for the Thinking Blogger award. It really means alot to know that my writing has inspired someone. My goal is to honor the Lord and I acknowledge the best things that come from my blogs are of Him! If it is not very inspiring, it was probably my own efforts!
I started this blog a little over a year ago because I felt the Lord wanted me to write for Him. So this has been my journey and I believe I've actually helped myself more than others. I have grown so much in the past year and my relationship with Him has deepened because of this blog. I want to thank all my readers, but especially Rebecca for the nomination. I would nominate her, but I think that is against the rules for this award!
Here's how this award works, I now get to nominate five blogs which I believe are "Thinking Blogs". Blogs which are truely original and make you think of things in a new way instead of just regurgitating the most current news.
Here are my five top picks (besides Blogging Obsession, of course!)
1. Flock's Diner - Jonathan has great posts about Christianity's Jewish roots and whether you agree with what he has posted or not, it will get you to thinking! He is always up for a good discussion.
2. Angela's Right to Free Speech - Angela is not afraid to tell it from her point of view. She definitely thinks for herself and is not afraid to share her thoughts!
3. Nutter's Notes - This blog belongs to one of the few bloggers I actually know outside of cyberspace. His Happy Ups definitely get you thinking. First, we should all practice this and second, reading some of the reasons he is happy/thankful each day makes you realize how much we take for granted.
4. Work at Home Mom Revolution - Great blog with wonderful ideas. This blog gives me great ideas as to how someday I may be able to be a work at home mom. At least part time if not full time!
5. Faith Filled Wives - This is a great blog for all wives. MJS4Him tackles that "ugly" word of submission that so many Christian women avoid. Thank you for the courage to write about what we all need to hear, but many are afraid to talk about. It is a very misunderstood subject and she has great things that make you think about how you can become the wife God wants you to be for your husband.
If I have nominated you and you choose to participate, here is how it works:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the “Thinking Blogger Award” with a link to the post that you wrote.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tabernacle Experience - The Lampstand
The Lampstand stood inside the Tabernacle proper. It consisted of six branches and a center stand, seven lamps in all. These lamps were oil lamps containing pure olive oil. Exodus 25:31-40, gives instructions regarding the lampstand. It was made of pure gold and the entire stand (flowerlike cups, buds, blossoms, base, and shaft) were hammered from one piece.
Exodus 27:20-21 gives instructions regarding the oil. It was to be the clear oil of pressed olives. Aaron and his sons were to "keep the lamps burning before the Lord from evening till morning." This was the only light provided in the Holy Place.
Light is symbolic of the presence of God. He gives grace (light) to his people to keep us from stumbling in the darkness of this world.
Here are just a few verses regarding God being the light for us in this world.
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;" Numbers 6:24-25
"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell." Psalm
"In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness, has not understood it." John 1:4-5
"While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5
"The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world." John 1:9
"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of the darkness', made his light shine in our hearts to give us light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6
As the lampstand was the only light in the Tabernacle, Jesus Christ is the true pure light in this world. He shines through our spiritual blindness so we can see God's glory and experience it in our lives.
To read other posts regarding the Tabernacle Experience click here.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
My New Blogs - Check it Out!
In order to hopefully make things easier for you, my readers, I've decided to divide my blog into three different blogs. In this way, you can more easily choose the subject matter you want to read. Please feel free to drop me a note regarding how this works for you. I'd love to hear what you think.
Ang4him - My current blog will still be here, it will just be narrowing its focus to my walk with the Lord. As my profile states, I am a child of God, desparately pursuing His purpose for my Life. I believe in absolute Truth and believe the Lord my God is that Truth. Therefore, my goal is to pursue Him and Truth. Not my version, not the world's version, not even the church's version. I am seeking the Truth which is unchangeable and absolute. This blog will continue to share what I'm learning in this journey and I pray you'll join me and share along the way.
Ang4him Reviews - This will be where I will share my thoughts on basically anything I think is worthwhile and may interest you. This may include books (probably alot!), movies, websites, blogs, ministries and anything else that catches my fancy. If you want to really know more about me, this is the place to go.
Ang4him A Moment in My Life - Last but definitely not least is this blog in which I will share with you moments of my life. Obviously with three little ones in my home, many of these stories (and pictures) will revolve around them. If you are one of those people who love to look into someone else's lives to see how they live, this is the place for you (I'm the same way, which is why I love all the mom's I've found out in the blogosphere who share about their experiences!)
I hope each of you will find something to inspire you and draw you closer to our Lord. Hopefully in more than one!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Changes Coming Soon!

So I guess I just gave away that I'll have three blogs. I'm just working on the design templates right now and hope to have them completed and rolled out by this weekend.
In the meantime, I'm posting some pictures of my babies for you to enjoy.
Stay tuned, there is alot more coming for those who want to go along for the ride with me!

Monday, April 16, 2007
Paid to Blog? Earning Online?
I'd like to understand what your experience has been with these things. I've seen alot of information about it, but I've not been able to get a clear idea (at least from those I would trust) as to whether this is a sucessful and worthwhile endeavor. I'm curious to hear about your experiences, who you've gone through to do this and any other suggestions/comments you have regarding getting paid to do what you love to do online!
Some information to keep in mind. I am a mother of three who works outside the home full-time. While I am looking at opportunities to bring in some extra cash for my family, I do not have tons of extra time right now. However, I do spend time blogging so if I could help my family at the same time that would be great! I am also not wanting to turn my blog into one huge advertisement. I don't mind blogging to promote products or other things as long as they are things that are relevant and I use or of which I have knowledge.
Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
A Moment in My Life - Austin
In case you don't know what a SkipIt is, it is a toy (see below) that you put your foot through the ring so it is around your ankle. You then start moving your foot/leg so as to spin the toy around in a circle on your ankle and you skip over it with your other leg. Personally, I'd end up in the hospital if I tried it.
What do you get when you cross Austin and a SkipIt toy?
Shaun turns to find Austin standing there with the ring on his head, the other end hanging down behind Austin.
"Look Daddy, I'm a space man!"
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Thankful Blog Challenge - Day 7 (Saturdays)
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So far I've been trying to keep my posts for the challenge related to things I am thankful for regarding the US. Today will be a bit different since this is the last day of the challenge (although it would be good for all of us, myself included, to continue making a point to post these at least on a weekly basis).
Today I am thankful for all the people in my life who keep me from getting too negative. I've tried very hard over the years to not be a negative person, and overall I think I've been successful. However, I tend to be a very loyal person who expects the same from others. I'll put up with alot, but once I've gotten to the point where I've had enough it is really hard for me to get past it. I just keep reminding myself that I have a God who has forgiven me for EVERY time I have turned my back on Him. In honor of that I need to do the same. It is only in His power that I am able to though.
In order to help me with this, I truely believe the Lord has put certain people in my life to help me get back on the correct path when I start to stray. It is usually the negative and bitter side of myself that starts me down these "other" paths. Therefore, I thank everyone who is enough of a friend to me, to honestly tell me when I am going down the wrong path (yet again!)
* Holy Spirit - He speaks to me quite often when my thoughts and attitudes need adjusting! I just wish I would listen more often, or at least sooner. It would save me a lot of trouble! I am getting to where I can hear Him better now. It just takes practice and moving my focus onto the Lord instead of myself.
* My Husband - Yes we have our issues at times, but you are always willing to tell me the truth and let me know when I'm just acting childish. I don't always like it when you point this out to me, but in the end I do appreciate it. Also, thank you for showing me all the good I do have in my life. You and our children are four of the biggest things I have to be thankful for every day (even the days when it seems our home is just full of noise!) I thank the Lord for bringing you into my life and I love you more everyday (even those days when I don't seem to show it to you).
* My Church House Family - they are wonderful and always are honest with me in a loving way. They support me with prayer as well. If any of you read this, please know that you keep me sane. You are my life support group and I truely love you all and consider you family.
* Julie - If you are reading this, thanks for always listening and being there for me. You let me vent and then cheer me up. I know you always think I am cheering you up and making you laugh when you are down, but what you don't know is that by doing that for you, I cheer myself up as well.
* Dana - Thanks for all the laughs and for always listening. You always know how to give me that little boost of confidence I need. In alot of ways you remind me of my family back home and that keeps me from getting so homesick.
* The Nutter Man (see Happy UPs at Nutter's Notes) and Blessed1 (aka Wornoutwoman). Thank you for the challenges to focus on the happy things in my life instead of the bad, as we are usually prone to do.
* I know there are many, many more of you out there and I want to ensure you all know how much you've touched my life and how very much I appreciate all you do for me (even when you don't realize you are doing things for me!)
Mom my Ride
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thankful Blog Challenge - Day 6 (Friday's)
Today (or rather yesterday) I am thankful for the choices and opportunities we are given in this country. My family was not poor growing up, however we did not have much in the way of extras. My parents did their best for my brother and I, however being able to put aside money for our college educations unfortunately was not a possiblity for them. However, they encouraged us and helped in every other way possible to ensure we received a good education. They wanted us to be able to do better for ourselves and our families than they had been able to. As a parent now, I know that this is a wish all parents have for their kids.
Thanks to scholarships and student loans (which I'm still paying, but they were worth it!) I was able to go to college. Due to this I've been able to get a very good job and have gained experience that has now enabled me to have a job which I enjoy (most of time at least) and which is flexible. It may not be as flexible as my husband's job (he works from home) however, I'm able to make my own hours to a certain extent. This allows me to complete my job responsiblities and still be able to do things with my family, such as attend my daughter's t-ball game yesterday at 5PM.
I am thankful the Lord has allowed me to find a job that is a healthier environment for myself and therefore for my family. I'm thankful I live in a country in which there are opportunities for people who may not have a lot of financial means to be able to better themselves and support their family. I'm also thankful that due to my job I am able to afford the choice to have my daugthter attend a local Christian school. I'm also thankful that a Christian school is a choice that is available! I'm not sure we'll be able to afford this once all three kids are in school, but I'm trusting the Lord to direct us and provide when we get there. I know He loves my kids even more than I do and He will take care of them and provide for them.
New Blog Design & Other Updates
The reason I have neglected these lately, is I decided I wanted a 3 column blog, but was having trouble finding a template that I liked. I figured if I was going to change my template I might as well get something I really like.
So I've been searching and tweaking for the last couple days. I've now found a template that I like and have tweaked it a bunch and created a blog title of my own. I'm almost done and will try to load this new template on my blog in the next couple days.
In the meantime, you can check it out on my test page! Let me know what you think. I'm sure it is still a work in process but it is done enough now to reveal it to the world.
P.S. If you check it out you'll get a sneak peek at a new picture of Jesse all decked out in camo!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thankful Blog Challenge - Day 5
Today I'm thankful for all that I have and all that all of us living in the US have. The "poor" in the US are richer than most in other countries. I know this may not always make us feel any better when we are dealing with our issues, however God tells us to focus on Him first and others second, ourselves come after that. I think if we all did this more often (including and especially myself!) we would all be more thankful for all that we have.
Today I am so thankful for the blessing God has placed in my life:
1. My husband
2. My children
3. My parents
4. My family (outside of those listed above)
5. My church family
6. My home
7. My job
This is just the beginning of all the blessings God has given me.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thankful Blog Challenge - Day 4
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Today I am thankful for all the Christians in this country who stand up for God's Word.
Let me explain myself a bit. I do not believe that we can legislate morality. The Law was given by our Lord so that we could realize that we can not ourselves keep it. It points out to us in no uncertain terms the sin in our lives and how we are not worthy to stand before an Awesome and Holy God. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, we can do ourselves to change this! However, if we choose to pursue our God and accept the relationship He wants to have with us, our Savior Jesus will cover us when we stand before our God. Through this relationship we learn to live for the Lord and do as He wants, not because of the Law, but because we love Him and want to please Him. He is our focus.
Now back to our country and today's thankful challenge. Once again, I do not believe we can legislate morality. Passing laws regarding morality only serve to point out how we can not live up to them as a country. HOWEVER, I do believe just like God's Law is needed to open our eyes to our need to have a relationship with Him, laws against immoral acts in our country keeps our focus where it needs to be. If we allow laws to be passed that make it legal (note I say legal, not right/moral) to do things that are not pleasing to God, we allow ourselves as a country to become complacent. You see these things will then become more common place and although we may not do them ourselves at first, we stop thinking about them as being wrong. Soon we find ourselves making rationalizations and find ourselves falling into sin. The nation falls into sin and further from God.
Abortion is one example of this. Because of the rationalization of a woman's right to make choices regarding her own body (regardless of the human growing inside of her having absolutely no choice) and because of the rationalization that women will do it anyway and endanger themselves, this country chose to make this "choice" legal. Once again, I say legal, not right or moral. Man can make laws, only God can determine what is right or moral. Now abortion has become common place for many people and even those who may not choose to have an abortion themselves, will rationalize this "choice". We've allowed sin into our midst and now our nation (and women of our nation) are suffering for it. Banning abortion would not make it go away, only women turning to God will do this, however it would be a stand for God to show that we will not rationalize sin any longer.
Therefore, today I am thankful for those who take a brave stand for the Lord and what is right in God's sight (the only true vision!) regardless of what others may think of them. I am thankful for those who are able to stand for God and at the same time show God's love to those who are lost in that sin. God bless you all!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Thankful Blog Challenge - Day 3
Today will be very short since it is already past 10PM. I have church house on Tuesday nights and usually do not get home until after 9PM.
So with that being said, today I am thankful that I have the right in this country to publicly believe and exercise my faith in my God and Savior. Now, to be honest it is not a very "PC" thing to do in this country anymore to truely follow Christ (maybe it never was!), but as of right now I still have the right to do so.
I could have said I have the right to believe in my God, however to be honest, no government can restrict what I believe or do not believe (although some may think and try to legislate differently). They can not get into my heart or mind and make any changes. The rights I do have in this country though are to be able to publicly live out this faith and my set of beliefs without fear of imprisonment. I may be looked down upon and riduculed by some for it, but I know I will not be put in prison for it.
I have the freedom to meet every Tuesday night to fellowship, worship and pray with my wonderful Church Family. That may not seem to be something all that big, but many Christians in other countries do not have this luxury. Although in some ways they are better off, because I've noticed the faith and and total reliance and abandoment to the Lord is much greater!
So today, I'm thankful I was able to share time with my family without fear of someone breaking down our door and hauling us away.
Blogger's Choice Awards
Once you log on, you can also vote and comment on other blogs that others have nominated as well. Check it out!
Blogger's Choice Awards
I've voted for two blogs that I already visit regularly:
Blogging Obsession
Absolutely Bananas
I've also nominated (and voted for) one blog:
Flock's Diner (bet you didn't know you were nominated, huh Johnny!)
And I've voted for one blog which I've discovered through the Blogger's Choice Awards:
Wife of an Addict
This is a great site to find new blogs and to recognize those you already love!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Thankful Blog Challenge - Day 2
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Today's thankful post is regarding our President. To be honest, George W. Bush seems to be a President that people either love or hate. There is not much in between. While I do not necessarily agree with all the decisions he has made, I do admit that he has a lot more on his shoulders than me and I probably could not make better decisions. I do support him as our President and pray for him in his difficult position.
The thing I am thankful for, is the fact that George W. Bush genuinely seems to be a man of God and a man of Faith. He truely seems to try to seek the Lord in the decisions he makes. As I said I may not agree with everything he has done, but I do not believe he is a bad President, definitely not what the media and liberals make him out to be. AND for all I know, he could be doing exactly what the Lord has told him to do and I just don't know the plans God has.
Anyway, that is my thankful thought for the day. I believe our President is sincere in his faith and his desire to lead this country with God's direction. Like the rest of us he is human though. Think about it, even David messed up (pretty big time too!) but he is described as a man after God's heart.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Great Easter Post
Thankful Blog Challenge - Day 1
Although I do find myself disappointed with the direction the country is going at times and believe morally we are declining as a nation, I am thankful to live in the US. Today I am thankful that I am able to publicly state my opinion that our nation is declining morally and should be turning back to God without fear of imprisonment or worse. I'm not free from being called a bigot, but I know there are others who stand by me and I can voice my opinion without worry. (I know this is a borderline thankful, but it's been a long day with three kids, two of whom have been hopped up on too much sugar!)
As much as I find many things in this country disappointing, from our media to the "need to be PC", I am thankful and proud to live in the USA and call myself an American. That is why I speak out about certain things. I love the Lord and I love this country and would like to see us be a true nation following God.
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Original Blessed1 post regarding this challenge can be found here.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Spiders
2. Heights
3. My kids growing up, it is a scary world out there!
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. My Husband
2. My Brother
3. My son, Austin
Three Things I Love: (after God, of course!)
1. My Husband
2. My Kids
3. My Church Family
Three Things I Hate:
1. Someone who twists the truth for their benefit (the enemy does this a lot!)
2. Selfish people (I know we all are to a certain extent, but some people should get an award!)
3. People who harm children for their own personal satification.
Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. People who don’t believe God exists, I mean look around you!
2. Liberals who call me a bigot and say I should keep an open mind and be tolerant, but don’t believe I have a right to my beliefs as a Christian or to have those beliefs permeate everything in my life!
3. How my heavenly Father can love me more than I love my own kids. I would do anything to protect them and can’t even begin to imagine a love greater than what I have for them!
Three Things On My Desk:
1. Pictures of my kids and hubby
2. My coffee cup
3. Lotion, my hands get really dry sitting at my desk typing and handling paper all day (oh the life of an Accountant!)
Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Blogging
2. Listening to toon Disney which my daughter is watching as she falls asleep
3. Drinking some yummy coffee!
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Travel to Ireland
2. Go on a cruise with my husband
3. See my wonderful hubby come to know the Lord.
Three Things I Can Do:
1. I can make a really cute baby basket for new moms-to-be. It is the gift I give at all baby showers and have thought about trying to sell some on eBay. I just don’t ever have the time!
2. I can watch TV with my hubby and read or blog at the same time and still know everything that is happening on the show.
3. I can make my friends laugh when they are down, especially Julie! I’ll make a total fool out of myself to cheer them up if need be (and have done so too!)
Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Sing
2. Program a VCR, therefore I’m very thankful for TIVO. I can do that!
3. Water ski (I’ve tried a bunch, but always end up doing the splits!)
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Your mother – she loves you and wants what is best for you
2. God/Bible/Holy Spirit – You’ll never go wrong!
3. Your kids, they are precious and someday you’ll wish you had not brushed them off so often.
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. People who dislike you, don’t let them get you down, don’t give them power over your life.
2. The enemy – He’ll talk to you through things in this world and his idea of truth is always twisted!
3. Anyone who tries to turn your path away for the Father, He is the only one worth following
Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to speak (and read) Hebrew!
2. More about website design, I think this would be a great way to earn a living! FUN! I only know enough basic HTML to get myself in trouble J
3. How to ride a motorcycle (and the guts to do so) so Shaun could build me a Harley and I could go on rides with him.
Three Favorite Foods:
1. Coffee (does that count?)
2. Chocolate
3. Venison (sorry Rebecca!)
Three Things I Regret:
1. Turning my back on the Lord for eight years.
2. Not pursuing my dream to write sooner. All through college and until a couple years ago I let this dream go.
3. Not living somewhere that we could afford property and have horses so my kids could grow up with them as I did.
Three People I Tag:
1. Melissa (I can’t do Rebecca, she got me!)
2. Angela (I’ve enjoyed being a guest on your site!)
3. Blessed1 (Hehehe, have fun!)
Friday, April 06, 2007
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Saturday, April 7th is my Father's Birthday, so I'm posting a special post today in honor of this man who has had a huge role in making me who I am today. I am a daddy's girl and want my Dad to know how very much I love him and appreciate all he has done for me over the years. He has always been a comfort to me and always been there when I needed him.
In fact, when I was pregnant the first time, my husband insisted my daddy be there when I was in labor. He was not sure how well I would handle it and knew my dad was the one person who would be able to calm me down if I needed it.
Thank you daddy for everything!
In honor of your birthday, I've added a playlist to my blog with some of my favorite Father/Daugther songs. It is on my sidebar and should have started playing when you came to this page. Unfortunately, my side bar is not wide enough for it, but it does not work in the actual post so it will have to do for now. You can click on the Launch StandAlone Player button if you'd like to open a new window with just my playlist or visit Ang4him Father & Daughter's Playlist
Also, your beautiful granddaughter Tyler (a daddy's princess just like her mommy) has drawn you a special picture. Sorry about revealing your age! She is learning her number "families" and wanted to know how old you were. In case you did not know you are in the Fifty Family!
P.S. The top picture on this post is one of my favorite pictures of my Daddy & Me. It was taken at the 4th of July parade in 1975.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Guest Blogger at Angela's Right to Free Speech
That Angela is out of town right now and has asked some of her readers to become guest bloggers in her absence. I guess I'm just crazy, because I decided to volunteer, but I'm having fun! It is definitely a bit of a different forum than what I post here though.
If you are interested check it out. Angela has definite opinions and she is not afraid to share them. I recommend adding her site to your blogroll.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Daily Blessings Challenge - Calling all Bloggers
She is correct, all we hear about is how unhappy people are with this country, and I must say there are many things I find disappointing as well. However, at the same time we are very blessed in this country in many ways. Let's focus on those for at least a week.
This goes along with the Happy UPs I've posted in the past!
If you are a blogger (or even if you are not!) I challenge you to take up Blessed1's challenge. Check out her post and then link back to it when you make your posts!
Blessed1 - Daily Blessings Challenge
The Tabernacle Experience - Golden Boards & Silver Bases
Then the Lord said to Moses, "When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the Lord a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them. Each one who crosses over to those already counted is to give a half shekel. . . This half shekel is an offering to the Lord. All who cross over, those twenty years old or more, are to give an offering to the Lord. The rich are not to give more than a half shekel and the poor are not to give less when you make the offering to the Lord to atone for your lives. Receive the atonement money from the Israelites and use it for the service of the Tent of Meeting. It will be a memorial for the Israelites before the Lord, making atonement for your lives.
~Exodus 30: 11 - 16
The ransom money mentioned in the above verses was used to fashion the golden boards (acacia wood covered in gold like the rest of the furnishings of the Tabernacle) and the 48 silver foundations which supported the boards.
Note, God's command required the same amount as a ransom from everyone, regardless of their status. Every Israelite, whether rich or poor was required to give a half shekel to atone their lives. God has not changed. He still demands the exact same ransom from each and every one of us. When it comes to atonment for our sinful lives, we are all on equal footing.
For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.
~1 Peter 1:18-19
Gold and silver can not even come close to comparing to the worth of our Savior's blood shed for us. This is the price the Lord demands for our lives. Jesus willing paid it for us. We should never take this for granted. Our redemption may be a free gift from God, but we must not lose sight of what He did to redeem us. Are you living your life in a way to show what this atonement price means to you. I know my life could use some improvement in this area.
Innovative – A Moment in my Life

I’m allowed to wear jeans to work at my new job, however I don’t think they would appreciate my wearing “revealing” jeans in this manner. Also, it is not easy to “subtely” zip up your jeans. So I needed a fix. I could just wear a longer shirt so when the slide began to happen it was not noticed. This would actually be a double fix, because my backside is also covered (you know us women and our backside issues!). However, I’m a worrier, so I’m paranoid that somehow my shirt would move or get tuck into the front of my pants or who knows what else.
So my solution was . . . a paperclip.
I just took a small paperclip and slide one of the little ends through the little hole at the top of the zipper tab. I then slipped the button of my pants through the middle of the paperclip and then buttoned my pants! Now the zipper cannot slip and the whole thing is hidden under the buttom and zipper flap! How ingenious is that! I just have to remember the paperclip when I’ve sat at my desk too long to finish something and then rush into the ladies room. I don’t want to be in the stall and have the paperclip go flying over the stall door and hit someone as I try to undo my pants! Knowing me, it would be my boss!
So that is my innovation for the week (maybe even for the month!) How do you like those apples, Martha!
P.S. It was a paperclip from work, so I guess that could be a whole other problem. Of course, I could rationalize it as using the paperclip for business purposes. I needed to look somewhat professional and everyone being able to see the color of underpants I’m wearing is probably worth the little tiny paperclip, right? Besides, if they wanted to know that information, all they have to do is ask my daughter, she would tell them. But that is a whole other story!!!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The Passover Lamb

Christ in the Passover
by Ceil & Moishe Rosen
"God began His object lesson to Israel with the Passover lamb. First, the people had to single out from their flocks the handsomest, healthiest looking yearling. An animal of this age, just approaching the prime of its life, was frisky and winsome. Then the family had to watch it carefully for four days before Passover to make sure it was perfect in every way. During this period of close observation, they fed and cared for the lamb and grew accustumed to having it around. By the end of the fourth day, it must have won the affection of the entire household, especially the children. Now they all must avoid its big, innocent eyes as the head of the house prepared to plunge in the knife. While meat was a treat in ancient times, how could they enjoy eating their lamb's flesh? The lesson was painful. God's holiness demands that He judges sin, and the price is costly. But He is also merciful and provides a way of escape (redemption).
The innocent Passover lamb foreshadowed the One who would come centuries later to be God's final means of antonement and redemption."
Passover - (Pesach)
I've found a wonderful article on First Fruits of Zion regarding these two Feasts of the Lord (often referred to collectively as Passover in our modern times). Most articles on this site require membership, however you can join for free to receive emails and to access a treasure of resources. I recommend membership to anyone wanting to learn more about the Lord and Christianity's Jewish roots.
The article I found is Passover - Remembering Our Redemption. It does require membership to read the entire article, however it takes only a few moments to join and is definitely worth it! I recommend taking the time to read this in honor of this upcoming Feast.